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If Europe Doesn’t Stand Up

Bastasin, Carlo, (2013), “If Europe Doesn’t Stand Up”, Brookings Institute, 20 Μαρτίου. Like what happens to less intelligent creatures, there was also a sudden disavowel of paternityin the Cypriot mess. No one in Europe admits responsibility for the project of forced confiscation on all bank deposits, also the more modest ones. A proposal that, while necessary, will not survive to its temerity and is putting in danger the stability of …Read More

The case for policy change: Democratic legitimacy of EMU cannot be an afterthought in solving the crisis

 Underhill, Geoffrey, Blom, Jasper, (2013), “The case for policy change: Democratic legitimacy of EMU cannot be an afterthought in solving the crisis”,, 19 Μαρτίου. David Cameron’s promise of a referendum on British participation in the EU has re-ignited the debate about the EU’s democratic legitimacy, just as the struggle to overcome the crisis continues. This column argues that in order to both successfully resolve the crisis and maintain states’ ability …Read More

Why Europe Should Not Worry About Italy

Santini, Ruth H., Giumelli, Francesco, (2013), “Why Europe Should Not Worry About Italy”, Brookings Institute, 4 Μαρτίου. While seemingly a threat to EU stability and at the heart of possible contagion, Italy is historically used to navigating through uncertainty, short-lived governments and catastrophic economic forecasts. Yet, the world continues to wonder where the Belpaese is heading to with a divided center-left, a never ending dawn of Berlusconi’s political influence, and …Read More

Γιώργος Παγουλάτος: Με το μάτι στη μεγάλη εικόνα

Παγουλάτος, Γιώργος, (2013), «Με το μάτι στη μεγάλη εικόνα», Η Καθημερινή, 3 Μαρτίου. Μετά την απόφαση του 55% των Ιταλών να πηδήξουν στο κενό ψηφίζοντας έναν επαγγελματία γελωτοποιό κι έναν «κλόουν» πολιτικό, το μήνυμα φαίνεται σαφές: η αντιμετώπιση της κρίσης του Νότου μονομερώς με εξουθενωτική λιτότητα οδηγεί την Ευρωζώνη στα ακραία όρια συνοχής και αντοχής της.

Eurozone Crisis: It Ain’t Over Yet

Manasse, Paolo, (2013), ‘Eurozone Crisis: It Ain’t Over Yet’,, 17 Ιανουαρίου. All G7 economies are struggling in the post-crisis climate, but US GDP has recovered to pre-crisis levels, while the Eurozone simply hasn’t. This column portrays the global crisis as a transitory shock for the US, but as a quasi-permanent shock for Europe.

Weimar 2013?

Mazower, Mark, (2012), ‘Weimar 2013?”,, 31 December. The worst crisis of capitalism since the Great Depression of the 1930’s has reawakened grim memories on both sides of the Atlantic. The ghost of Franklin Delano Roosevelt haunts Barack Obama’s United States. Historical arguments over whether FDR’s New Deal worked now form an important part of American debates over current monetary and fiscal  policy  in  general,  and  the  US  Federal  Reserve’s …Read More

Europe’s New Year’s Irresolution

Fischer, Joschka, (2012), ‘Europe’s New Year’s Irresolution’,, 31 Δεκεμβρίου. Will the eurozone crisis end in 2013, or will it drag on throughout the year, and perhaps even deteriorate anew? This is likely to be not only the crucial question for the European Union’s further development, but also a key issue affecting the performance of the global economy.

Crisis and public support for the eurο

Roth, Felix,  Jonung, Lars,  Nowak-Lehmann, Felicitas, (2012), ‘Crisis and public support for the eurο’,, 5 Νοεμβρίου. The Eurozone crisis has meant slow growth, rising unemployment, and social unrest. This column gauges the impact of all this on European citizens‘ opinions about the euro and EU institutions. Using Eurobarometer surveys, the authors find that, within the Eurozone, the crisis has only marginally lowered support for the euro but has led to …Read More

The EMU Crisis is a Battle of Nationalism Versus Transnationalism, not Economic Prescriptions

Menenberg, Aaron, (2012), ‘The EMU Crisis is a Battle of Nationalism Versus Transnationalism, not Economic Prescriptions’,, 30 Αυγούστου. The debate over how to save the euro and the economy of its union has taken shape around economic prescriptions. On the surface this makes sense; after all, the euro is the currency for seventeen national economies.    

The Euro-Exit Taboo

Dadush, Uri,  (2012), ‘The Euro-Exit Taboo’,, 1 Μαίου. Stay or leave? Should Greece persist with its extreme austerity plan, or should it abandon the euro? What about Portugal? Spain? In mainstream political discourse, posing the question of euro exit is taboo. When Prime Minister Papandreou of Greece, an ardent European, unexpectedly proposed a national referendum on the matter (one he expected adherents to the euro to win) he was …Read More