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Impacts of the crisis on access to healthcare services: Country reports on Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Latvia and Luxembourg

The Crisis Observatory has been awarded the research programme “Impacts of the crisis on access to healthcare services: Country reports on Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Latvia and Luxembourg”. The programme was awarded to the Crisis Observatory following a competitive call for tenders by the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (Eurofound). The purpose of the project was to record the effects of the crisis on citizens’ access to health services, as well as to highlight best practices and initiatives that can be applied in the administration of health services’ units during the crisis, at a time when their funding has been substantially reduced. The Crisis Observatory undertook the investigation of the case of Greece.

The research team consisted of the following scientists: Dimitris Katsikas (Head of the Crisis Observatory), Maria Zafiropoulou, Health Issues Expert in the European Commission (and member of the Observatory Plus team), Charalampos Economou, Assistant Professor at the Department of Sociology of the Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences, Daphne KaitelidouAssistant Professor in the Department of Nursing (University of Athens), and Olga Siskou, Head Researcher at the Center for Health Services Management and Evaluation (University of Athens) as well as deputy national representative in the Health Committee of the OECD.

Follow this link to read the final version of the survey (.pdf format), where the results for all participant member-states are collectively presented.

In the Crisis Observatory’s social media (FacebookTwitterLinkedIn), you can find the publication of the Greek report as well, which presents the results of the research conducted by the research team of the Crisis Observatory specifically for Greece.