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Europe’s Troika Should Grow Up

Pisani-Ferry, Jean, (2013) “Europe’s Troika Should Grow Up”,, 27 May 2013. In early 2010, a group of men (and a few women) in dark suits landed in Athens. They belonged to a global institution, the International Monetary Fund, and to a pair of regional ones, the European Commission and the European Central Bank. Their mission was to negotiate the terms and conditions of a financial bailout of Greece. A …Read More

From Grexit to Growth: On Fiscal Multipliers and How to End Recession in Greece

Nicos, Christodoulakis, (2013), “From Grexit to Growth: On Fiscal Multipliers and How to End Recession in Greece”, National Institute Economic Review, No. 224, pp.66-76.    Three years after the implementation of the Adjustment Programme for Greece, public debt remains at unsustainable levels. Despite recent improvements in meeting deficit targets and the fact that the risk of exit from the Euro Area has subsided, growth is still missing and unemployment has …Read More

Does fairness matter for the success of fiscal consolidation?”

Kaplanoglou, G., Rapanos, V. & Bardakas, I., (2013), “Does fairness matter for the success of fiscal consolidation?” , University of Athens-Department of Economics, Economic Discussion Reports, N. 2013/6. Does it matter for fiscal consolidation programs to be fair in order to be successful? This question has never been empirically addressed despite its profound importance especially since many developed countries have embarked on fiscal consolidation programs, which in many cases have …Read More

EU-IMF assistance to euro area countries: an early assessment

Pisani-Ferry, Jean,  Sapir, André & Wolff, Guntram, (2013), EU-IMF assistance to euro area countries: an early assessment, Bruegel. Three years ago, in May 2010, Greece became the first euro-area country to receive financial assistance from the European Union and the International Monetary Fund in exchange for implementing an economic programme designed by the Troika of the European Commission, the European Central Bank and the IMF. Within a year, Ireland and Portugal went …Read More

The Greek Crisis in the Media

Tzogopoulos, George, (2013), The Greek Crisis in the Media, Ashgate. The portrayal of Greece by the international press during the financial crisis has been seen by many independent observers as very harsh. The Greeks have often been blamed for a myriad of international political problems and external economic factors beyond their control. In this original and insightful work George Tzogopoulos examines international newspaper coverage of the unfolding economic crisis in …Read More

Crisis Social Policy and Social Justice: the Case for Greece

Venieris, D., (2013), “Crisis Social Policy and Social Justice: the Case for Greece”, Hellenic Observatory Papers on Greece and Southeast Europe, No. 69, April. This paper explores the potential contribution of social justice and social policy for an equitable recovery from the crisis in the case of Greece. The first part discusses some theoretical dimensions of social justice focusing on its interrelation with social policy. Social justice is a contested …Read More

Fourth Quarterly Report: Support for growth and jobs in Greece

Task Force for Greece, (2013),  Fourth Quarterly Report: Support for growth and jobs in Greece, April. The report sets out the assistance provided by the Task Force, the Member States, international organisations and other specialist bodies to support Greece in implementing a comprehensive programme of reforms. These include: -Reform of the central administration: a review of the organisation of most Greek Ministries – representing about 206 000 staff – has …Read More

Debt, Growth and the Austerity Debate

Reinhart, Carmen, Rogoff, Kenneth, (2013), “Debt, Growth and the Austerity Debate”, The New York Times, 25 April. In May 2010, we published an academic paper, “Growth in a Time of Debt.” Its main finding, drawing on data from 44 countries over 200 years, was that in both rich and developing countries, high levels of government debt — specifically, gross public debt equaling 90 percent or more of the nation’s annual …Read More

Policy Implementation and Political Trust: Greece in the Age of Austerity

Exadaktylos, Th., Zahariadis, N., (2012), “Policy Implementation and Political Trust: Greece in the Age of Austerity”, Hellenic Observatory Papers on Greece and Southeast Europe, GreeSE Paper No. 65. Why did the Greek Socialist government consistently fail to faithfully implement the bailout reforms between 2010 and 2011 despite strong international and European pressures? Building on the top-down implementation framework by Mazmanian and Sabatier, we argue political trust underpins the government’s implementation …Read More

Privatizations and Long Run Growth: Doing it Right?

Ioannides, Yannis, (2013), “Privatizations and Long Run Growth: Doing it Right?”,, 7 April. Yannis Ioannides, in a presentation at McGill University, Montreal, on April 4, 2013, discussed the issue of privatizations in Greece, as part of the stabilization program and Greece’s agreements with the Troika. Massive privatizations were put on the agenda of negotiations with the lenders, perhaps as a way to make assistance to Greece more palatable to …Read More