Jauer, J., Liebig, T., Martin, J. and Puhani, P., (2014), “Migration as an Adjustment Mechanism in the Crisis? A Comparison of Europe and the United States”, OECD Social, Employment and Migration Working Papers 155, OECD Publishing. The question of whether migration can be an equilibrating force in the labour market is an important criterion for an optimal currency area. It is of particular interest currently in the context of high …Read More
Global Employment Trends 2014: The Risk of a Jobless Recovery
ILO (2014), Global Employment Trends 2014: The Risk of a Jobless Recovery, ILO Publications, Geneva. The Global Employment Trends study offers the latest global and regional information and projections on several indicators of the labour market, including employment, unemployment, working poverty and vulnerable employment. The weak global economic recovery has failed to lead to an improvement in global labour markets, with global unemployment in 2013 reaching almost 202 million. Σχετικές …Read More
Education to employment: Getting Europe’s youth into work
Mourshed, Μ., Patel, J., Suder, K., (2014), “Education to employment: Getting Europe’s youth into work”, McKinsey & Company, Ιανουάριος. The problem of youth unemployment in the European Union is not new. Youth unemployment has been double or even triple the rate of general unemployment in Europe for the last 20 years. The events of the past few years have dramatically exacerbated it, however: 5.6 million young people are unemployed across Europe, …Read More
Labor Market Reforms and the Great Recession
Zimmermann, Kl., (2013), “Labor Market Reforms and the Great Recession”, IZA Policy Paper, N. 75. Germany can be regarded as a showcase for labor market reforms. Moreover, its labor market responded only mildly to the Great Recession. This paper assesses the role of the labor market reforms for the latter development. Against this background, general lessons are drawn from the German experience that include, for example, placing a greater emphasis …Read More
What use is ‘social investment’?
Nolan, Brian, (2013), “What use is ‘social investment’?”, Journal of European Social Policy, Vol. 23, N. 5, pp. 459-468. The notion of ‘social investment’ has come to play a major part in debates about the role of social spending and the future of welfare states in Europe. This paper argues that social investment can be seen as a more or less detailed orientation or paradigm for social policies and spending …Read More
Assessing the economic and budgetary impact of linking retirement ages and pension benefits to increases in longevity
Schwan, Alexander, Sail, Etienne, (2013), “Assessing the economic and budgetary impact of linking retirement ages and pension benefits to increases in longevity”, European Economy, Economic Papers, N. 512. This paper focuses on potential public pension expenditure, pension adequacy and fiscal sustainability effects when linking retirement ages and pension benefits with future increases in longevity. Simulation results show that the expected increases in public pension expenditures as a share of GDP could …Read More
Standard Eurobarometer 80
European Commission, (2013), Standard Eurobarometer 80, European Commission / Directorate-General for Communication, December. This report presents the first results of the Standard Eurobarometer 80 survey, which was carried out between 2 and 17 November 2013 in 34 countries or territories: the 28 European Union Member States, the five candidate countries (the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Turkey, Iceland, Montenegro and Serbia), and the Turkish Cypriot Community in the part of …Read More
The Social Market Economy: What does it really mean?
Franke, S. and Gregosz, D., (2013), The Social Market Economy: What does it really mean?, Tokyo: Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung. The Social Market Economy is a proven economic and social model that not only provided Germany with its economic miracle after the Second World War, but that also brought the country many years of stability and prosperity. But despite its merits, many people find it difficult to describe what is really meant by …Read More
Hollowing out and the future of the labour market – the myth
Butcher, B., (2013), “Hollowing out and the future of the labour market – the myth”, VoxEU, 17 December. The labour market ‘hollowing out’ thesis suggests that there are far fewer intermediate-level jobs and far more low- and high-level jobs than two or three decades ago, primarily due to technological advancement. This column reviews recent research that finds little evidence in support of this conclusion. Though the composition of intermediate-level jobs …Read More
Sustainable development in the European Union
Eurostat, (2013), Sustainable development in the European Union: 2013 monitoring report of the EU sustainable development strategy, European Union and Eurostat: Luxembourg. Of the more than 100 indicators presented in this report, 12 have been identified as headline indicators. They are intended to give an overall picture of whether the EU has achieved progress towards sustainable development in terms of the objectives and targets defined in the EU Sustainable Development …Read More