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European Public Opinion: Is this the end of pessimism?

Zalc, J., (2013), “European Public Opinion: Is this the end of pessimism?”, Fondation Robert Schuman, Policy Paper No 290, Οκτώβριος. After many long years of crisis during which the state of European public opinion has deteriorated, notably regarding its support of the Union and its institutions there are now some signs which seem to indicate that things are picking up. At a time when economic forecasts for 2014 give reason …Read More

What borders for the EU: a variable geometry neighbourhood?

Drevet, J-F., (2013), “What borders for the EU: a variable geometry neighbourhood?”, Notre Europe Jacques Delors Institute, Policy Paper 97, Σεπτέμβριος In this Policy Paper, Jean-François Drevet wonders about the limits of the EU and its integration and neighborhood policy. He shows that the Europe of “concentric circles” evoked by Jacques Delorshas become an undisputable fact. The author first gives an account of the integration and enlargments logics, and hence, of a …Read More

Youth Unemployment in Europe: What to do about it?

Eichhorst, W., Hinte, H., Rinne, U., (2013), “Youth Unemployment in Europe: What to do about it?”, IZA Policy Paper, N., 65. Youth unemployment has become a severe economic and societal problem in many European countries. This paper gives an overview of the current situation and assesses different policy options. It emphasizes the role of stronger intra- EU mobility of young workers, policies to make vocational training systems more effective and …Read More

Time to move north?

Barslund, Mikkel,  Busse, Matthias,  (2013), “Time to move north?”, CEPS Commentaries, 27 Μαΐου. A staggering one out of every four young people is presently unemployed in Spain. And comparable numbers in Greece, Portugal and Italy are hardly more encouraging. Germany, on the other hand, enjoys a historically low youth unemployment rate of 8% and is experiencing skill shortages in some occupations. Against this background, this Commentary calls upon the European …Read More

EU No, Euro Yes! European Public Opinions Facing The Crisis (2007-2012)

Debomy, Daniel, (2013), “EU No, Euro Yes! European Public Opinions Facing The Crisis (2007-2012)”, Notre Europe – Jacques Delors Institute, Policy Paper N. 90. Steadily consistent answers to several questions asked for Standard Eurobarometer opinion polls show that a decline in public opinion on the European Union observed since 2007 significantly worsened in 2011, bringing support to historically low levels which continue today. Since 2010 and 2011 respectively, indicators of …Read More

European welfare states after the crisis

Diamond,  Patrick, Lodge, Guy, (2013), ‘European welfare states after the crisis’ , Policy Network Paper. Governments in the UK and elsewhere in Europe are taking a position on welfare reform which is in line with public opinion, but may be the wrong strategic choice in the long-term – prioritising benefits for older people at the expense of families and children who have been hit hard by the financial crisis.   This …Read More

The Impact of the Crisis on Civil Society Organisations in the EU – Risks and Opportunities

Shahin, Jamal, Woodward, Alison, Terzis, Georgios, (2013), “The Impact of the Crisis on Civil Society Organisations in the EU – Risks and Opportunities”, European Economic and Social Committee. This study addresses questions concerning the state of the Civil Society and how Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) have been affected by the crisis. Through analysis of data gathered from various reports and other documentation, in-depth interviews with a number of individual representatives …Read More

The European Crisis and Migration to Germany: Expectations and the Diversion of Migration Flows

Bertoli, Simone, Brücker, Herbert,  Fernández-Huertas Moraga, Jesús, (2013), ‘The European Crisis and Migration to Germany: Expectations and the Diversion of Migration Flows’, IZA Discussion Papers, N.7170. The analysis of how the economic crisis in Europe has reshaped migration flows faces two challenges: ( i ) the confounding influence of correlated changes in the attractiveness of alternative destinations, and ( ii ) the role of rapidly changing expectations about the evolution of …Read More

Returning Home at Times of Trouble? Return Migration of EU Enlargement Migrants during the Crisis

Zaiceva, Anzelika, Zimmermann, Klaus F., (2012), ‘Returning Home at Times of Trouble? Return Migration of EU Enlargement Migrants during the Crisis’, IZA Discussion Paper, N.7111. The eastern enlargements of the EU in 2004 and 2007 have stimulated the mobility of workers from the new EU8 and EU2 countries. A significant proportion of these migrants stayed abroad only temporarily, and the Great recession may have triggered return intentions. However, a return …Read More