Rodrigues, Maria João. & Xiarchogiannopoulou, Eleni. & EBSCOhost. (2014). The Eurozone crisis and the transformation of EU governance: internal and external implications. Farnham, Surrey, UK ; Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 15 Απριλίου.
To βιβλίο περιλαμβάνει τα εξής επιμέρους κεφάλαια:
- Transcending or descending? : European integration in times of crisis / Zoe Lefkofridi & Philippe Schmitter
- Economic crisis and the internationalisation of EU competition policy / Michelle Cini
- The transformation of EU governance, the open method of coordination and the economic crisis / Susanna Borrás & Claudio Radaelli
- Beyond intergovernmentalism : the puzzle of European economic governance / Sergio Fabbrini
- Europe in the waiting of Hamilton : assumption of state debts, the federal leap / Christian Stoffaës
- Political lessons from the economics of the Euro crisis / Stefan Collignon
- EU financial market regulation and stakeholder consultations / Rainer Eising, Daniel Rasch, Patrycja Rozbicka
- EU social policy content and governance : a complex relationship with EU economic integration over time / Janine Goetschy
- The Euro crisis : welfare state conundrum / Anton Hemerijck
- Game change in EU social policy : from optional re-calibration to coercive retrenchment / Caroline de la Porte & Elke Heins
- The Eurozone crisis and the transformation of the EU economic governance : from internal policies to external action / Maria João Rodrigues
- Assessing EU’s “social” trade policy from an external Europeanization perspective : the case of the generalised system of preferences / Eleni Xiarchogiannopoulou
- European re-regulation meets global financial governance : constraint or complement? / Daniel Mügge.
Σχετικές αναρτήσεις:
- Oskar Lindgren, K. (2015) “Why participatory governance offers a realistic route to addressing the EU’s legitimacy crisis, LSE EUROPP, 24 Φεβρουαρίου.
- Alcidi, C., Giovannini, A. & Piedrafita, S. (2014) “Enhancing the Legitimacy of EMU Governance“, Economic Policy, Politics and Institutions, Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS) Special Reports, 18 Δεκεμβρίου.
- Interview with R. Keohane (2014) Five minutes with Robert O. Keohane: “We shouldn’t fool ourselves by believing that global governance will soon be made democratic”, LSE EUROPP, 05 Νοεμβρίου.