Szczerbiak, Aleks, Taggart, Paul, (2017), “How has Brexit, and other EU crises, affected party Euroscepticism across Europe?”, LSE EUROPP, 18 Μαϊου
Analysing the results of a new expert survey, Aleks Szczerbiak and Paul Taggart write that Brexit has so far had a very limited impact on national party politics across Europe beyond the UK, particularly compared with the earlier Eurozone and migration crisis. While the longer-term, dynamic effects of Brexit on party Euroscepticism might be greater and there are a number of countries to watch where such impacts might develop, perceptions of its ‘success’ or ‘failure’ will be filtered through competing narratives and questions raised about whether broader lessons can be drawn from the British case.
Σχετικές Αναρτήσεις
- Gros, Daniel, (2017), “Europe’s New Hope?”, Project Syndicate, 4 Μαϊου 2017
- De Grauwe, Paul, (2017), “Brexit Creates Window Of Opportunities For The EU”, Social Europe, 5 Απριλίου