Gros, Daniel, (2017), “Debt forgiveness is not the solution for Greece”, CEPS, 23 Μαΐου
The key to understanding Greece’s debt situation is that most of it is owed to the European institutions, which have already extended the maturity to over 30 years and are charging very low interest rates. Expenditure on interest now amounts to 3.2% of GDP, which is much less than what the Greek government had to spend on interest before the crisis and before the Troika! Interest expenditure is also lower for Greece than for Italy (3.9% of GDP) and much less than for Portugal (4.2% of GDP). Even the US government has to spend more on interest (3.8% of GDP) than the Greek government. But nobody argues that these countries need debt forgiveness to be able to grow.
Σχετικές Αναρτήσεις
- Darvas, Zsolt, (2017), “Debt relief or a fourth financial assistance programme for Greece?”, Bruegel, 22 Μαΐου
Παπαδογιάννης, Γιάννης, (2017), “Τα δύο σενάρια για ένταξη των ελληνικών ομολόγων στο πρόγραμμα QE της EKT”, Η Καθημερινή, 3 Μαΐου