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What’s in a European Commission President?

Salamone, A. (2014) “What’s in a European Commission President?“, Britain’s Europe Blog, 25 Ιουλίου.


The next President of the European Commission faces a number of obstacles to a successful term of office. Political and institutional challenges, ranging from the power of the Council and the Parliament to the difficulty in building unity in the Commission, stand in the way of the President’s goals for the EU. In order to have the best chance of a decent legacy, the Commission President needs to accept the limitations of the role and the high probability of being blamed for matters beyond the Commission’s control.

Imagine working in a job for 10 years in which you’ve enjoyed the support of your superiors and everything seems to be going pretty well. In your decade of service, you’ve been confronted with some serious challenges, but on the whole you’ve managed to work through them. However, near the end of your contract, events on the ground change substantially and opinion of you turns quite dramatically for the worse. The progressive spiral continues so that, by the end, most people think you hadn’t actually accomplished much at all.


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