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Macroprudential supervision in the Eurozone: Beware of excessive expectations

Gadatsch, N., Körner, T., Schnabel, I., Weigert, B., (2015), “Macroprudential supervision in the Eurozone: Beware of excessive expectations”, Voxeu, 3 June

There is a broad consensus that financial supervision ought to include a macroprudential perspective that focuses on the stability of the entire financial system. This column presents and critically evaluates the newly-created macroprudential framework in the Eurozone, with a particular focus on Germany. It argues that, while based on the right principles, the EU framework grants supervisors a high degree of discretion that entails the risk of limited commitment and excessive fine-tuning. Further, monetary policy should not ignore financial stability considerations and expect macroprudential policy to do the job alone.

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