The 3rd Annual Conference of the Crisis Observatory have been taken place on Wednesday, 16 December 2015 (12:00-18:45), at the French Institute of Greece (31 Sina, Athens), on:
“Economic Governance and Democratic Legitimacy in the European Union”
In the first part of the conference, eight papers that were distinguished in the Young Scientists Academic Paper Competition of the Crisis Observatory have been presented.
In the second part of the conference, a roundtable discussion on “Economic Governance in the EU: Challenges and Perspectives” (16:30-18:30) have taken place. The participants were:
- Iain Begg (Professorial Research Fellow, European Institute, London School of Economics and Political Science)
- Zsolt Darvas (Senior Fellow, Bruegel)
- Stefano Micossi (Director General, ASSONIME, Professor, College of Europe)
- Nikos Christodoulakis (Former Minister, Professor, Athens University of Economics and Business)
At the closing of the conference, the authors of the four best papers that took part in the Young Scientists Academic Paper Competition of the Crisis Observatory have been awarded monetary prizes.
The programme of the conference is available here.
The Annual Lecture of ELIAMEP followed the conference. It was delivered by Martin Wolf, the principal economic columnist of the Financial Times and internationally acclaimed author.