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The Study Europe’s Rate-Setters Should Read

Giugliano, Ferdinando, (2017), “The Study Europe’s Rate-Setters Should Read”, Bloomberg View, 8 June

A key argument for hurrying up with a monetary tightening is that negative rates have hurt bank profitability, restricting lenders’ ability to give credit to families and firms. But is it really the case? How low can interest rates go before they become a drag on the economy?

A new way of thinking about this problem comes from a working paper by Markus Brunnermeier and Yann Koby at Princeton University. The two scholars believe there is a “reversal interest rate” below which a central bank prompts lenders to cut back on their lending, instead of increasing it. This boundary creeps up over time, setting a limit to how long central banks should keep interest rates low.

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