Lekakis, Eleftheria, (2013), “Greece, fascism and beyond”, Open Democracy – Free Thinking for the World, 29 May. Fascism has spread over the mainland of the Greek geography, the islands of bellowing winds and the mentality of a small, scared, disappointed and disillusioned part of the population. It has brought an anti-democratic beast into the heart of a previously, arguably, more democratic nation. The worst thing for me are the statements …Read More
Policy Implementation and Political Trust: Greece in the Age of Austerity
Exadaktylos, Th., Zahariadis, N., (2012), “Policy Implementation and Political Trust: Greece in the Age of Austerity”, Hellenic Observatory Papers on Greece and Southeast Europe, GreeSE Paper No. 65. Why did the Greek Socialist government consistently fail to faithfully implement the bailout reforms between 2010 and 2011 despite strong international and European pressures? Building on the top-down implementation framework by Mazmanian and Sabatier, we argue political trust underpins the government’s implementation …Read More
The crisis of the periphery. Greece and EU foreign policy
Zotti, Antonio, (2013), “The crisis of the periphery. Greece and EU foreign policy”, Istituto Per Gli Studi Di Politica Internazionale. Since the outbreak of the EU debt crisis, severe budget constraints and urgent domestic concerns have been seriously affecting Greece’s foreign policy. The first part of the paper tries to shed light on how structural factors underlying both Greek policy-making and its regional context produce stabilizing effects on the country’s …Read More
The Eurozone’s Arrested Adolescence: Sketching a Way Out of the Crisis
Erixon, Fredrik, (2012), “The Eurozone’s Arrested Adolescence: Sketching a Way Out of the Crisis”, The European Centre for International Political Economy Policy Brief, Ν. 06/2012. The Eurozone crisis has been reinforced and prolonged by leaders’ inability to agree on robust and credible crisis responses. Individual governments are experiencing sovereign deficit and debt crises, but not the Eurozone at large. Its fiscal position is manageable. The Eurozone is rather going through …Read More
Dimitris A. Sotiropoulos: The paradox of non-reform in a reform-ripe environment: lessons from post-authoritarian Greece
Sotiropoulos, A., Dimitris, (2012), “The paradox of non-reform in a reform-ripe environment: lessons from post-authoritarian Greece”, Kalyvas, St., Pagoulatos, G., and Tsoukas, H., (eds), From Stagnation to Forced Adjustment: Reforms in Greece, 1974-2010, London and New York: Hurst Co. and Columbia University Press. In May 2010, following the Memorandum of Understanding between the Greek government and the Troika (IMF, EU and ECB), a rescue package was offered to Greece, in …Read More