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Public Discussion- Consolidating public finances:Fiscal reforms in times of crisis

The fiscal woes of Greece before the crisis, the changes in the institutional framework during the Economic Adjustment Programmes and the extent to which budgetary reforms were successful, were the themes discussed at the Public Event held by the Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP) on December 11th 2019. The event was organized on the occasion of the publication of a study entitled: “Structural Changes in Fiscal Policy …Read More

Open Event: “Crisis Management and Democracy in EU and Latin America: Lessons Learned”

The complex connection between the European and Latin American economic crises and their impact not only on the political systems of the countries affected but also on the quality of democracy itself was at the core of the conference “Crisis Management in EU and Latin America: Lessons Learned” held on June 27th by the Crisis Observatory of the Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP). How were the Greek …Read More

Public discussion: Reforms in Public Administration during the crisis

A Public Discussion was organized on December the 4th, 2018,  on the occasion of the publication of the study entitled “Reforms in Public Administration during the crisis: Review, Description, Evaluation”, which was funded by “The A.G. Leventis Foundation.” The rationale of the Study The weaknesses of public administration were considered an important factor in the outburst of the recent economic crisis in Greece. In this spirit, administrative reforms were an integral …Read More

Book presentation “Understanding the Greek Crisis”

The book “Understanding the Greek Crisis: Answers to Key Questions about the State, the Economy and Europe” (in Greek), was successfully launched in a public event. The event took place on January 18th, 2018 in the “Aris Garoufallis” hall of Athens Conservatoire. The discussants of the book were the Alternate Minister of Finance, George Chouliarakis, Professor Panos Tsakloglou and Professor Helen Louri. The discussion was moderated by ELIAMEP’s President, Professor Loukas Tsoukalis. At the core of the discussion …Read More

2 February 2017: Discussion with main lecturer Professor Andres Solimano and the topic was«The Recovery of Economy after the Depression: Historical and International Experience»

The discussion on “Economic Recovery after Depression: Historical and International Experience” was successfully held on Wednesday 1 February at the Representation of the European Commission in Greece offices. The discussion featured as main speaker Dr. Andres Solimano, founder and president of the International Center for Globalisation and Development and author of the book “Global Capitalism in Disarray”, Oxford University Press, 2017. Comments were made by George Pagoulatos, Professor of European …Read More

29 November 2016: Roundtable discussion on the occassion of the book publication by professor Zafiris Tzannatos entitled: “Greece of Memoranda: 2010-2012. The numbers, the programme and the international experience from 1980”.

A roundtable discussion was organised by The Crisis Observatory of the Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP) on November 29th on the occassion of the book publication by professor Zafiris Tzannatos entitled: “Greece of Memoranda: 2010-2012. The numbers, the programme and the international experience from 1980”. The discussion was coordinated by Professor Loukas Tsoukalis, and was held at ELIAMEP’s offices with the participation of academics, researchers and representatives …Read More

3rd Annual Conference of Crisis Observatory

On 16 December, the 3rd Annual Conference of Crisis Observatory took place at the French Institute of Athens with great success. In the first part of the Conference, the eight best papers which were submitted to Crisis Observatory’s Postgraduate Essay Contest were presented. The second part of the Conference included a round table discussion on the topic of: “Economic Governance in the EU: Challenges and Perspectives”. Iain Begg (Professorial Research …Read More

Fragmex Conference

The final conference of the research programme Fragmex, entitled “Fragmentation and Exclusion:  Understanding and Overcoming the Multiple Impacts of the Crisis” and organized by the Crisis Observatory of ELIAMEP and the Hellenic Open University, was held with great success. The conference took place on Wednesday, 25 November at Impact Hub, Psurri. The topic of the first unit of the conference was entitled “Crisis and Society (I): Consequences and Public Policy”. …Read More

Results of the Crisis Observatory’s Postgraduate Essay Contest

The Crisis Observatory of the Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP) would like to thank all new scientists (graduate students, Master’s holders and PhD candidates) who took part in the Postgraduate Essay Contest. Many well-written research papers were submitted to the contest. The research papers were examined by a team of academics and researchers of the Crisis Observatory, who chose the best papers (listed in alphabetical order): Aggelaki …Read More

10 November 2015: Closed workshop in the context of the research programme FRAGMEX

On November 10th a closed workshop was held at ELIAMEP in the context of the research programme FRAGMEX, entitled “Crisis and Society: The Reaction of Civil Society”. During the discussion the research results concerning the reaction of civil society to the economic and social crisis were presented, as part of the research programme: “Fragmentation and Exclusion: Understanding and Overcoming the Multiple Impacts of the European Crisis” (FRAGMEX). The discussion was …Read More