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A ‘Brexit’ would have important implications at the European and international levels

Oliver, T. (2014) “A ‘Brexit’ would have important implications at the European and international levels“, LSE EUROPP, 24 June.


The implications of a ‘Brexit’ for the UK have been widely discussed, but the implications for the EU and other international powers have arguably received less attention. Tim Oliver explores the complex set of possibilities and implications at the European and international levels that both the UK and EU need to keep in mind as they move forward.

UKIP’s success in the recent European Parliament elections has once again raised questions about whether Britain is headed towards an EU exit, AKA ‘a Brexit’. The likelihood of this happening remains open to debate. But the debate is focused almost entirely on what such a move could mean for Britain. In contrast, with only a few exceptions, the implications for the EU and wider international relations are given next to no thought. Ed Miliband’s warning that Britain risks sleepwalking towards an EU exit should be heeded by the rest of the EU, who appear to be asleep to what it could mean for them. The same might be said for other powers such as the United States. A British exit will change the EU and European integration with implications for the UK, transatlantic relations and the West.


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