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European Social Policy For The Next Five Years

Nahles, A. (2014) “European Social Policy For The Next Five Years“, Social Europe Journal, 21 July.


For generations, Europe was a project of hope. To my parents’ generation, after a time of war and hostility, Europe represented the hope of achieving economic progress together in an atmosphere of peace and friendship. To my generation, Europe symbolised a place of hope and freedom following the Cold War. We criss-crossed fading borders and took part in exchanges at school and university. It is a wonderful experience to pay for things in euros, both at home and abroad.

During the crisis, many people did not see a Europe of hope, offering them protection and opportunities. Their experience was rather characterised by unemployment and an uncertain future. In many countries people had to pay a high price to save the euro. As a result, millions of our continent’s young people in particular became disillusioned with Europe or even rejected it outright.

The European Parliamentary elections served as a wake-up call. The results showed us just how disillusioned people are with Europe. This disillusionment is something that we as committed Europeans need to fight; showing people that the European project pays. For decades, Europe has been a guarantor of peace and general prosperity. But above all Europe is a social community that unlocks opportunities and creates prospects for the future. Our key task between now and the next elections in 2019 is to make sure that people realise this once more. We want people to say yes to Europe again!


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