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Why We Need Movement Of Free People

Hoffer, F. (2014) “Why We Need Movement Of Free People“, Social Europe Journal, 15 July.


When Franklin Roosevelt outlined his essential four freedoms in 1941 he was convinced democracy could only be defended and advanced beyond the remaining 11 democracies by replacing classical liberalism with a comprehensive concept based on freedom of expression, freedom of worship, freedom of want and freedom from fear.

Real freedom cannot exist if one of these four freedoms is violated. When ordinary people lack employment and income security and when economic hardship forces them to accept whatever is offered on the labour market, they lack substantial freedom. They are then merely free to lose. In developing this further Amartya Sen argued that the ultimate success of societal development should be judged against the legal and material freedom people enjoy to fully develop their capabilities.

Such a concept of inclusive freedom is fundamentally different from the exclusive freedom of market liberalism based largely on contractual arrangements and purchasing power, where money allows one to command and forces the other to surrender, where harsh economic dependency is disguised behind contracts between formally equal parties. Inclusive freedom instead is based on socio-economic security enabling all to participate as independent citizen in society. For inclusive freedom trade unions and other collective organisations of free women and men are indispensable as they are the backbone of any vibrant civil society and the only way to make rights and freedom a reality in daily life before and behind factory gates.


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