Guntram B. Wolff, (2016), “The European Deposit Insurance Scheme”,Bruegel, 23 May It is welcome that the European Union and the euro area in particular discuss the topic of a European deposit insurance. In fact, to complete banking union, three pillars are indispensable: banking supervision, bank resolution and deposit insurance. In terms of institution building, I would argue that supervision is now fully in place while the European Resolution Mechanism with its …Read More
A deepened Single market for labour and digital innovation
Paul-Jasper Dittrich, (2016), “A deepened Single market for labour and digital innovation”, Jacques Delors Institut Policy Paper 164, 11 May 2016 Product market reforms in the digital sector can boost TFP-growth. The Digital Single Market (DSM) should become a cornerstone of future productivity growth. Several measures should be taken up to meet these objectives. The European Job Mobility Portal EURES could become a European employment agency in the long-term. National employment …Read More
Going Forward from B to A? Proposals for the Eurozone Crisis
Amato, Massimo, Fantacci, Luca, Papadimitriou, Dimitri B., Zezza, Gennaro, (2016), “Going Forward from B to A? Proposals for the Eurozone Crisis”, Levy Economics Institute of Bard College, May After reviewing the main determinants of the current eurozone crisis, this paper discusses the feasibility of introducing fiscal currencies as a way to restore fiscal space in peripheral countries, like Greece, that have so far adopted austerity measures in order to abide by their commitments to eurozone institutions and …Read More
Banking Crises
Grossman, Richard, (2016), “Banking Crises”, Centre for Economic Policy Research, Μay Financial crises have been a common feature of the economic landscape for more than two centuries. The chapter defines banking crises, considers the type of costs that they impose, and outlines the most common causes of banking crises during the past 200 years. The remainder of the chapter considers five distinct historical periods: the nineteenth century, when the “boom-bust” pattern …Read More
Flexibility versus Stability: A difficult trade-off in the eurozone
De Grow, Paul, Ji, Yuemei, (2016), “Flexibility versus Stability: A difficult trade-off in the eurozone”, CEPS, 29 Αpril Optimal currency area (OCA) theory has been influential in pushing eurozone countries towards structural reforms to make product and labour markets more flexible. The underlying assumption of the OCA prescription for structural reform is that asymmetric shocks are permanent. However, when shocks are temporary it does not follow that more flexibility is the answer. …Read More
Bank Exposures and Sovereign Stress Transmission
Altavilla, Carlo, Pagano, Marco, Simonelli, Saverio, (2016), “Bank Exposures and Sovereign Stress Transmission”, Centre for Economic Policy Research, Μay Using novel monthly data for 226 euro-area banks from 2007 to 2015, we investigate the causes and effects of banks’ sovereign exposures during and after the euro crisis. First, in the vulnerable countries, the publicly owned, recently bailed out and less strongly capitalized banks reacted to sovereign stress by increasing their domestic sovereign holdings …Read More
On the Economics of Crisis Contracts
Elias, Aptus, Gersbach, Hans, Volker, Britz, (2016), “On the Economics of Crisis Contracts”, Centre for Economic Policy Research, Μay We examine the impact of so-called “Crisis Contracts” on bank managers’ risk-taking incentives and on the probability of banking crises. Under a Crisis Contract, managers are required to contribute a pre-specified share of their past earnings to finance public rescue funds when a crisis occurs. This can be viewed as a retroactive tax that …Read More
The Cost of Non-Schengen for the Single Market
Deringer, Hanna, (2016), “The Cost of Non-Schengen for the Single Market”, European Centre for International Political Economy, Μay A suspension of the Schengen Agreement would damage the European economy, in particular by undermining the European single market. And it would not just damage the movement of people and labour in Europe. Several studies show that the Schengen Agreement also eases the free flow of goods, services, and capital. Suspending Schengen would …Read More
Fighting deflation with unconventional fiscal policy
D’Acunto, Francesco, Hoang, Daniel, Weber, Michael, (2016), “Fighting deflation with unconventional fiscal policy”, VoxEu, 26 Απριλίου The Eurozone faces zero inflation paired with low economic growth. With monetary policy hobbled by the zero lower bound, it is time to think more broadly. This column discusses the theoretical and empirical evidence on ‘unconventional fiscal policy’. Such policies aim to increase growth and inflation in a budget-neutral fashion, while keeping the tax …Read More
Who Reforms for Higher Productivity?
Van der Marel, Erik, (2016), “Who Reforms for Higher Productivity?”, European Centre for International Political Economy, March With weak European growth performance over a longer period of time, it is time to push reforms raising the rate of productivity growth. The EU’s best strategy for it is to cut restrictions for single market trade in the services sector. There are still major restrictions in place and services regulations differ substantially between …Read More