Rodrik, Dani, (2015), “The Mirage Of Structural Reform”, Social Europe Journal, 12 October Every economic program imposed on Greece by its creditors since the financial crisis struck in 2009 has been held together by a central conceit: that structural reforms, conceived boldly and implemented without slippage, would bring about rapid economic recovery. The European Commission, the European Central Bank, and the International Monetary Fund anticipated that fiscal austerity would be …Read More
Market Expansion and Social Dumping in Europe
Bernaciak, Magdalena, (2015), “Market Expansion and Social Dumping in Europe”, European Union Series, Routledge publications, 9 June This book systematically examines social dumping in the context of the European integration process. It defines social dumping as the practice, undertaken by self-interested market participants, of undermining or evading existing social regulations with the aim of gaining a competitive advantage. It also shows how the two major EU integration projects ? the creation …Read More
The Global Division of Labour-Development and Inequality in World Society
Münch, Richard, (2015), ” The Global Division of Labour-Development and Inequality in World Society”, International Political Economy Series, Palgrave-Macmillan publications, November Global free trade is one of the most controversial phenomena of our time. Supporters of economic liberalism believe that it will provide affluence for all regions of the globe; its critics view it as the driving force of increasing inequality, societal disorganization and ecological damage. Richard Münch offers a new theory of …Read More
Cereals, appropriability, and hierarchy
Mayshar, Joram, Moav, Omer, Neeman, Zvika, Pascali, Luigi, (2015), “Cereals, appropriability, and hierarchy”, Voxeu, 11 September Conventional theory suggests that hierarchy and state institutions emerged due to increased productivity following the Neolithic transition to farming. This column argues that these social developments were a result of an increase in the ability of both robbers and the emergent elite to appropriate crops. Hierarchy and state institutions developed, therefore, only in regions where appropriable cereal crops had sufficient productivity advantage …Read More
A Europe for the Many, Not the Few-Time to reverse the course of inequality and poverty in Europe
Oxfam International, (2015), “A Europe for the Many, Not the Few-Time to reverse the course of inequality and poverty in Europe”, 9 September Europe is facing unacceptable levels of poverty and inequality. Instead of putting people first, policy decision making is increasingly influenced by wealthy elites who bend the rules to their advantage, worsening poverty and economic inequality, while steadily and significantly eroding democratic institutions. Austerity measures and unfair tax …Read More
The German Minimum Wage Is Not A Job Killer
Janssen, Ronald, (2015), “The German Minimum Wage Is Not A Job Killer”, Social Europe Journal, 9 September Mainstream economists excel in scaremongering about the dismal effects any policy that tries to correct market forces may have on economic performance. By arguing that such a policy will destroy jobs, things are even turned upside down. Because of the presumed job losses, social policy suddenly becomes anything but social while liberal economic policy …Read More
Labor Day 2028
Reich, Robert, (2015), “Labor Day 2028”, Social Europe Journal, 3 September Without such a mechanism, most of us are condemned to work ever harder in order to compensate for lost earnings due to the labor-replacing technologies. Such technologies are even replacing knowledge workers – a big reason why college degrees no longer deliver steadily higher wages and larger shares of the economic pie. Since 2000, the vast majority of college graduates have …Read More
Does Capitalism Cause Poverty?
Hausmann, Ricardo, (2015), “Does Capitalism Cause Poverty?”, Social Europe Journal, 31 Αυgust Capitalism gets blamed for many things nowadays: poverty, inequality, unemployment, even global warming. As Pope Francis said in a recent speech in Bolivia: “This system is by now intolerable: farm workers find it intolerable, laborers find it intolerable, communities find it intolerable, peoples find it intolerable. The earth itself – our sister, Mother Earth, as Saint Francis would say – …Read More
Upskilling unemployed adults (aged 25 to 64): The organisation, profiling and targeting of training provision
European Commission, (2015), “Upskilling unemployed adults (aged 25 to 64): The organisation, profiling and targeting of training provision”, EEPO Review, 25 Αugust Lifelong learning, including vocational education and training (VET) and adult learning have been the object of recommendations in the context of the European semester (2). Between 2011 and 2014, country-specific recommendations (CSRs) promoting the development of vocational and adult learning in the wider context of developing a skilled …Read More
Addressing youth unemployment in the EU
European Commission, (2015), “Addressing youth unemployment in the EU”, Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion Department, 24 Αυgust Youth employment is a priority for the European Union. The situation varies a lot across Europe. While there is no single solution to address this challenge, there is an urgent need to act.. Relevant Posts European Commission, (2015), “The Youth Guarantee: European approach to fight youth unemployment”, Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion Department, …Read More