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The silent death of eurozone governance

Gros, Daniel, (2016), “The silent death of eurozone governance”, CEPS, 19 August Sometimes the most important thing that happens is what doesn’t happen – or, to paraphrase Sherlock Holmes, it’s the dog that doesn’t bark in the night. The lack of response to the European Commission’s non-enforcement in Spain and Portugal of the terms of the Stability and Growth Pact (SGP) is one of those times. According to SGP rules, the Commission …Read More

Fiscal Federalism, Taxation and Grants

Gonzalez-Eiras, Martin, Niepelt, Dirk, (2016), “Fiscal Federalism, Taxation and Grants”, CEPR, Αugust We propose a theory of tax centralization and inter governmental grants in politico-economic equilibrium. The cost of taxation differs across levels of government because voters internalize general equilibrium effects at the central but not at the local level. This renders the degree of tax centralization and the tax burden determinate even if none of the traditional, expenditure-related motives for …Read More

Selected takeaways from the ECB’s Sintra Forum on “The Future of the International Monetary and Financial Architecture”

Constâncio, Vitor, Hartmann, Philipp, (2016), “Selected takeaways from the ECB’s Sintra Forum on “The Future of the International Monetary and Financial Architecture””, VoxEU, 1 September The ECB’s 2016 Sintra Forum on Central Banking focused on the international monetary and financial system. In this column, the organisers of the forum highlight some of the main points from the discussions, including concerns that the world economy may be suffering from a shortage of …Read More

Explaining the sudden creation of a banking supervisor for the euro area

Glöckler, Gabriel, Lindner, Johannes, Salines, Marion, (2016), “Explaining the sudden creation of a banking supervisor for the euro area”, Journal of European Public Policy, 2 Αugust While banking supervision in the European Union (EU) had been subject to slow incremental changes in the 2000s, the establishment of the Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM) in 2012/2013 amounted to a comparably swift and significant transfer of sovereignty. This article explores the institutional dynamics behind …Read More

How to Fight Secular Stagnation

Spence, Michael, (2016), “How to Fight Secular Stagnation”, Project Syndicate, 31 Αugust Much of the world, especially the advanced economies, has been mired in a pattern of slow and declining GDP growth in recent years, causing many to wonder whether this is becoming a semi-permanent condition – so-called “secular stagnation.” The answer is probably yes, but the question lacks precision, and thus has limited utility. There are, after all, different types …Read More

Europe needs its own Alexander Hamilton

Eijffinger, Sylvester, (2016), “Europe needs its own Alexander Hamilton”, VoxEU, 31 Αugust The ECB is under fire from all sides for its inability to stimulate Europe’s economies. This column puts the case for an informal European ‘praesidium’ within the Eurogroup to coordinate wider stimulus and reform measures. This will inevitably lead to the appointment of a European finance minister – the Eurozone’s equivalent of Alexander Hamilton, the first Treasury Secretary in …Read More

Why the ECB is not to blame for low interest rates

Demary, Markus, (2016), “Why the ECB is not to blame for low interest rates”, LSE Europpblog, 22 Αugust In the latest set of EU stress tests, several German lenders performed poorly. As Markus Demary writes, some of this performance has been blamed on low interest rates squeezing the profitability of lenders. He argues that while the ECB has frequently been blamed for this situation, the reality is more complex and instead …Read More

Euro Currency Risk and the Geography of Debt Flows to Peripheral European Monetary Union Members

Ersal-Kiziler, Eylem, Nguyen, Ha., (2016), “Euro Currency Risk and the Geography of Debt Flows to Peripheral European Monetary Union Members”, Policy Research Working Paper;No. 7338. World Bank, June The pattern of debt flows to peripheral European Monetary Union members seems puzzling: they are mostly indirect and channeled through the large countries of the European Monetary Union. This paper examines to what extent the introduction of the euro and the elimination of …Read More

Evolution of EU public sector financial accounting standardisation: critical events that opened the window for attempted policy change

Oulasvirta, Lasse O., Bailey, Stephen J., (2016), “Evolution of EU public sector financial accounting standardisation: critical events that opened the window for attempted policy change”, Journal of European Integration, 11 Μay This paper analyses agenda-setting for EU policy change in respect to public sector accounting harmonisation, adopting the garbage can model for its theoretical framework. It utilises qualitative research methods to determine what caused the window of opportunity to open, why it …Read More

Data on political attention in the Council illustrates the EU’s failure to proactively address major crises

Häge, Frank, (2016), “Data on political attention in the Council illustrates the EU’s failure to proactively address major crises”, LSE Europpblog, 29 August When government ministers meet in the Council of the European Union, what determines the level of attention they direct toward particular policy areas and issues? Based on recent research, Frank Häge illustrates how the Council has focused on different policy areas over time. He writes that one of …Read More