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A false sense of security in applying handpicked equations for stress test purposes

Gross, Marco, Poblacion, Javier, (2015), “A false sense of security in applying handpicked equations for stress test purposes”, ECB Working Paper Series, No. 1845, September The purpose of this paper is to promote the use of Bayesian model averaging for the design of satellite models that financial institutions employ for stress testing. Banks employing ’handpicked’ equations – while meeting standard economic and econometric soundness criteria – risk significantly underestimating the …Read More

The Eurozone Crisis: A Consensus View of the Causes and a Few Possible Solutions

Baldwin, Richard, Giavazzi, Francesco, (2015), “The Eurozone Crisis: A Consensus View of the Causes and a Few Possible Solutions”, CEPR Press, 7 September There is not yet a consensus on what more needs to be done in order to cope with the Eurozone Crisis. This new Vox eBook concerns the causes and possible solutions to the problem. In it, the authors highlight three ultimate causes for the Crisis. First, policy failures allowed the imbalances …Read More

The triumph of backward-looking economics

Cohen-Setton, Jeremie, (2015), “The triumph of backward-looking economics”, Bruegel publications, 7 September What’s at stake: At a time when monetary policy makers have a hard time generating inflation despite credible monetary regime changes (e.g. Japan), it is tempting to argue that there is simply substantial inertia in inflation. In this modern version of the old debate about the relative merit between rational and adaptive expectations, the reinterpretation of Reagan-Volker era …Read More

Bank bailouts, monetary policy, and credit default risks in the Eurozone

Rieth, Malte, Fratzscher, Marcel, (2015), “Bank bailouts, monetary policy, and credit default risks in the Eurozone”, Voxeu, 6 September In a response the Crisis, the ECB provided liquidity to banks on a massive scale and intervened in sovereign debt markets. This column argues that bank bailout policies and non-standard monetary policies by the ECB had a significant impact on default risks of sovereigns and banks in the Eurozone. The results, however, show that neither …Read More

The Eurozone crisis has deeply eroded the EU’s accountability structures

Dawson, Mark, (2015), “The Eurozone crisis has deeply eroded the EU’s accountability structures”, LSE blog, 7 September Greece’s confrontation with the Eurozone seems to follow a familiar pattern. We start with a realisation, often confirmed by leaked IMF reports, that the latest round of financial assistance is not working. First the blame game: for creditor countries and their commentariat supporters, it is because reforms have not been properly implemented; for the …Read More

Europe’s Economy Needs Action, Not Words

Bloomberg  View, (2015), “Europe’s Economy Needs Action, Not Words”, 4 September European Central Bank President Mario Draghi is something of an expert at moving markets by doing nothing, and he showed his prowess again yesterday. He said the ECB stands ready to stimulate Europe’s sluggish economy further, but has no plans to do so right now. That was seen as dovish, so European stocks advanced, euro bond-yields declined, and the …Read More

Will Oil Cause the Next Recession?

Shilling, Gary, (2015), “Will Oil Cause the Next Recession?”, Bloomberg View, 2 September If oil prices take another dramatic slide, as I believe they will, who wins and who loses? And could plummeting oil prices sow the seeds of the next recession?Oil-importing countries are obvious winners from falling crude prices. That includes the U.S., where — despite a surge in domestic production — imports still account for nearly 50 percent of petroleum consumption. Relevant Posts Gomez, …Read More

Entrepreneurship at a Glance 2015

OECD, (2015), Entrepreneurship at a Glance 2015, OECD Publishing, Paris, August. Executive summary Entrepreneurship at a Glance contains a wide range of internationally comparable measures of entrepreneurship designed to inform analysis and policy on entrepreneurship and entrepreneurs, reflecting their important contribution to innovation, employment and growth. Start-up rates have been on an upward trend since the crisis in many countries, particularly in Australia and the United Kingdom, and more recently in Denmark, Portugal and Sweden. In …Read More

Other People’s Money: Masters of the Universe or Servants of the People?

Kay, John, (2015), Other People’s Money: Masters of the Universe or Servants of the People?, Profile Books, 3 September. We all depend on the finance sector. We need it to store our money, manage our payments, finance housing stock, restore infrastructure, fund retirement and support new business. But these roles comprise only a tiny sliver of the sector’s activity: the vast majority of lending is within the finance sector. So what is …Read More

Greece shows the flaws in pursuing a common monetary policy response to economic shocks across the EU

Morley, Bruce, (2015), “Greece shows the flaws in pursuing a common monetary policy response to economic shocks across the EU”, LSE blog, 2 September. To what extent is the Greek debt crisis a function of wider flaws in the design of the single currency? Bruce Morley writes that while Greece’s debt already exceeded 100 per cent of GDP in the 1990s, it is not simply the size of a country’s debt …Read More