Aidt, S. T., Leon, G., Franck, R. & Jensen, S. P. (2015) “Democracy and the threat of revolution: New evidence“, VoxEU Organisation, 08 January. Some theories suggest that the threat of revolution plays a pivotal role in democratisation. This column provides new evidence in support of this hypothesis. The authors use democratic transitions from Europe in the 19th century, Africa at the turn at the 20th century, and the …Read More
Closing the soft skills gap: Never too early to teach entrepreneurship
Rosen, Α. (2014) “Closing the soft skills gap: Never too early to teach entrepreneurship“, Europe’s World Journal, 22 December. Here’s a wake-up call: Entrepreneurship is actually falling in the U.S. Shocked? Entrepreneurship and innovation, however, aren’t the same thing – it’s very possible to have innovation without starting your own venture. And the converse is also true; someone can start a new enterprise without a single innovation. But why …Read More
It’s Now Or Never: More Social, Less Europe in 2015!
Schweighofer, J. (2014) “It’s Now Or Never: More Social, Less Europe in 2015!“, Social Europe Journal, 17 December. To put it bluntly: Europe, more precisely, the European Union, has not delivered for decades now. The Union safeguards the interests of the employers and the mandarins from Brussels and 27 other capitals. Basically, this kind of integration is not in the interest of workers, trade unions, consumers et cetera. In the current …Read More
Interview with Thomas Piketty: “The myth of national sovereignty helps big corporations screw us over”
Interview with Thomas Piketty: “The myth of national sovereignty helps big corporations screw us over”, The European Magazine, 12 December. French economist Thomas Piketty has put inequality back on the map and is being hailed as the Karl Marx of the 21st century. He talked to Max Tholl and Florian Guckelsberger about a globalization gone wrong, a Eurozone parliament and our obsession with economic growth. The European: Mr. …Read More
The impact of the mass media on the quality of democracy within a state remains a much overlooked area of study
Müller, L. (2014) “The impact of the mass media on the quality of democracy within a state remains a much overlooked area of study“, LSE EUROPP, 05 December. Media organisations are generally assumed to play an important role in democracies, but how effective are they in performing this function within specific states? Lisa Müller outlines results from an analysis of 47 countries, based on a framework which rates two …Read More
Cultural diversity and entrepreneurship: Evidence from England and Wales
Rodríguez-Pose, Α. & Hardy, C. D. (2014) “Cultural diversity and entrepreneurship: Evidence from England and Wales“, VoxEU Organisation, 04 December. Cultural diversity is increasing globally. This column examines diversity from the point of view of entrepreneurship. It demonstrates that cultural diversity breeds entrepreneurship – but the nature of the diversity is critical. Recent migrants, rather than the descendants of past migrants, create the conditions for a more dynamic entrepreneurial …Read More
Growth, inequality, and social welfare: Cross-country evidence
Dollar, D., Kleineberg, T. & Kraay, A. (2014) “Growth, inequality, and social welfare: Cross-country evidence“, VoxEU Organisation, 19 November. Concerns about inequality are at the forefront of many policy debates. While inequality has increased in many countries over the past few decades, in others it has decreased. This column uses data from 117 countries over the past four decades to investigate the importance of such changes in inequality, as …Read More
Erosion Or Exhaustion Of Democracy? The Challenge For Social Europe
Blühdorn, I. (2014) “Erosion Or Exhaustion Of Democracy? The Challenge For Social Europe“, Social Europe Journal, 18 Νοεμβρίου. Social Europe is caught between a rock and a hard place. It is supposed to restore confidence in democracy – which since the bailout of the failing banks and the ensuing politics of austerity can hardly be regarded as a plausible promise anymore and which, anyway, at EU-level is known primarily …Read More
Traveling Through Multiple Europes
Bosoni, A. (2014) “Traveling Through Multiple Europes“, STRATFOR: Geopolitical Weekly, 04 November. Europe is overcrowded with people and with nations. Six decades ago, the need to suppress the dangerous forces of nationalism led to the unprecedented political, economic and social experiment now known as the European Union. The hundreds of thousands of EU citizens working across the Continent and the lack of border controls between member states show that …Read More
Social Justice in the EU – A Cross-national Comparison, Social Inclusion Monitor Europe (SIM) – Index Report
Schraad-Tischler, D. & Krol, C. (2014) “Social Justice in the EU – A Cross-national Comparison, Social Inclusion Monitor Europe (SIM) – Index Report“, Bertelsmann Stiftung, November. Key findings, in brief The growing social divide is a topic of much discussion these days. Certainly since the release of French economist Thomas Piketty’s recent book, Capital in the 21st Century, the topic of this widening gap is on everyone’s lips. The …Read More