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Options for Europe – Part 40

Mitchell, B., (2014), “Options for Europe – Part 40”,, 6 Μαρτίου. The Christophersen Report of August 1990, which expressed the European Commission’s own viewpoint on how economic and fiscal policies might be coordinated, concluded that there “does not need to be a single economic policy in the same way as for monetary policy, and correspondingly there is not the same need for institutional change” (European Commission, 1990: 21). They …Read More

Redistribution, inequality, and the sustainable growth: Reconsidering the evidence

Ostry, J., Berg, A. Tsangarides, C., (2014), “Redistribution, inequality, and the sustainable growth: Reconsidering the evidence”,, 6 March. Inequality has the potential to undermine growth. However, greater redistribution requires higher tax rates, which reduce incentives to work and save. Moreover, the evidence that inequality is bad for growth might simply reflect the fact that more unequal societies choose to redistribute more, and those efforts are antithetical to growth. This …Read More

Euro Area – Deflation Versus Lowflation

Moqhadam, R., Teja, R. and Berkmen P., (2014), “Euro Area – Deflation Versus Lowflation”, iMFdirect Blog, 4 March. Recent talk about deflation in the euro area has evoked two kinds of reactions. On one side are those who worry about the associated prospect of prolonged recession. On the other are those who see the risk as overblown. This blog and the video below sift through both sides of the debate to argue …Read More

European Central Bank accountability: how the monetary dialogue could be improved

Claeys, G., Hallerberg, M. and Tschekassin, O. (2014), “European Central Bank accountability: how the monetary dialogue could be improved”, Bruegel, 3 March. According to the European Union Treaties, the European Central Bank (ECB) is accountable to the European Parliament. In practice, this accountability takes mainly the form of a quarterly Monetary Dialogue between the president of the ECB and the European Parliament Economic and Monetary Affairs committee. We assess the …Read More

What you should know about Greece’s present state of affairs an update

Varoufakis, Y., (2014), “What you should know about Greece’s present state of affairs  an update”,, 4 March. “It takes a passionate disregard for the truth to suggest that Greece is recovering.” That was my verdict last December upon being asked to comment on Greece’s rumoured recovery. Almost three months later, it is time for an update. The gist of today’s update is depressingly simple: Still, no sign of Greek-covery whatsoever. Indeed, every …Read More

Treating Inequality with Redistribution: Is the Cure Worse than the Disease?

Ostry, J., Berg, A. (2014), “Treating Inequality with Redistribution: Is the Cure Worse than the Disease?”, iMFdirect Blog , 26 February. Rising income inequality looms high on the global policy agenda, reflecting not only fears of its pernicious social and political effects, (including questions about the consistency of extreme inequality with democratic governance), but also the economic implications. While positive incentives are surely needed to reward work and innovation, excessive …Read More

Library » EU » Economy »

Greece’s return to capital markets: Why not try a diaspora bond first?

Bastian, J., (2014), “Greece’s return to capital markets: Why not try a diaspora bond first?”,, 4 March. Greece’s return to international capital markets during the course of 2014 is currently the talk of town in Athens. Sandwiched between Greece’s six-month EU presidency and reports of a primary budget surplus, whose size appears to be changing on a weekly basis, the objective of returning to capital markets is taking on …Read More

Library » EU » Greece » Economy »

Whither the Euro?

O’ Rourke, K., (2014), “Whither the Euro?”, IMF Publications, 28 February. The euro area economy is in a terrible mess. In December 2013 euro area GDP was still 3 percent lower than in the first quarter of 2008, in stark contrast with the United States, where GDP was 6 percent higher. GDP was 8 percent below its precrisis level in Ireland, 9 percent below in Italy, and 12 percent below …Read More

German Court decision: Legal authority and deep power implications

Pistor, K., (2014), “German Court decision: Legal authority and deep power implications”, VoxEU, 26 Φεβρουαρίου Who wields supreme power over the ECB? This column analyses the recent ruling by the German Constitutional Court that the ECB cannot act as lender of last resort. Although seemingly couched by the referral of this decision to the European Court of Justice, this is a bid for power and the return to the pre-crisis …Read More

Monetary Developments in the Euro Area, January 2014

European Central Bank (2014), “Monetary Developments in the Euro Area, January 2014”, Press Release, February. The annual growth rate of the broad monetary aggregate M3 increased to 1.2% in January 2014, from 1.0% in December 2013. The three-month average of the annual growth rates of M3 in the period from November 2013 to January 2014 stood at 1.2%, compared with 1.3% in the period from October 2013 to December 2013. Relevant …Read More