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How low-cost labour market information benefits job seekers

Belot, Michèle, Kircher, Philipp, Muller, Paul, (2016), “How low-cost labour market information benefits job seeker”, Voxeu, 10 March. Not much is known about the value of simply advising job seekers on what types of jobs to search for. This column investigates whether the search behaviour and job prospects of the unemployed are affected by providing low-cost personalised labour market information on potential alternative occupations. The results of a randomised trial …Read More

The impact of bank capital on economic activity – Evidence from a Mixed-Cross-Section GVAR model

Gross, Marco, Kok, Christoffer, Zochowski, Dawid, (2016), “The impact of bank capital on economic activity – Evidence from a Mixed-Cross-Section GVAR model”, ECB Working Paper Series, No 1888, 8 March. We develop a Mixed-Cross-Section Global Vector Autoregressive (MCS-GVAR) model for the 28 EU economies and a sample of individual banking groups to study the propagation of bank capital shocks to the economy. We conduct various simulations with the model to assess how capital ratio …Read More

As The Euro Time Bomb Ticks Away The ECB Turns Desperate

Bibow, Jörg, (2016), “As The Euro Time Bomb Ticks Away The ECB Turns Desperate”, Social Europe, 9 March. These are not happy times for Europe. Ukraine, Russia, and rising anti-democratic influences in Hungary and Poland represent latent threats at the European Union’s eastern front. The prospect of Brexit is a more acute one at its western front. After letting loose manifold conflicting forces that continue shaping internal politics in many EU countries …Read More

Reality Check for the Global Economy

Acalin, Julien, Blanchard, Olivier, et al., (2016), “Reality Check for the Global Economy”, PIIE Briefing 16-3, March. After five years of disappointing recovery throughout the major economies, almost everyone is ready to believe the worst. The widespread large declines in global asset prices indicate a significant divergence between what financial markets fear and what most mainstream macroeconomic forecasts are showing for the world economy. Having some clarity to distinguish between the more solid underlying economic …Read More

Europe’s troublemakers-The populist challenge to foreign policy

Balfour, Rosa, Emmanouilidis, Janis A., Fieschi, Catherine, et al., (2016), “EUROPE’S TROUBLEMAKERS – The populist challenge to foreign policy”, European Policy Centre, 8 March. The growing intertwining of domestic and international politics is changing our understanding of both foreign relations and democratically legitimate government. At the same time, populist parties are thriving, challenging the status quo and the ruling elite, becoming the new ‘troublemakers’. As the transformative impact of populism on foreign relations has been little …Read More

The influence of the economic approaches to regulation on banking regulations: a short history of banking regulations

Harnay, Sophie, Scialom, Laurence, (2016), “The influence of the economic approaches to regulation on banking regulations: a short history of banking regulations”, Cambridge Journal of Economics, 2 March This article highlights the theoretical foundations of the regulations at work in the banking sector and examines their responsibility in the onset of the 2007–2008 financial crisis. Drawing a parallel between the main changes in banking regulations since the 1960s and the evolutions in the economic …Read More

Measuring ageing and the need for longer working lives in the EU

Barslund, Mikkel, Von Werder, Marten, (2016), “Measuring ageing and the need for longer working lives in the EU”, CEPS, 24 February This study considers different ways of measuring the ageing of societies and their implications for public policy. The first part characterises the ongoing ageing of the population in the EU28 by relating it to past and future longer-term demographic trends for broad groups of countries. It goes beyond traditional …Read More

The economic crisis in Europe: urban and regional consequences

Cuadrado-Roura, Juan R., Martin, Ron, Rodrígez-Pose, Andrés, (2016), “The economic crisis in Europe: urban and regional consequences”, Oxford Journals, March Beginning in 2007–2008, the European economy experienced the worst economic crisis since the 1930s. The proximate cause was the financial and banking crisis that originated in the overleveraged banks and mortgage institutions in the United States, and which quickly spread through the global financial system to infect much of Europe. This …Read More

Statutory minimum wages in the EU 2016

Fric, Karel, (2016), “Statutory minimum wages in the EU 2016”, Eurofound, 29 January In 22 out of 28 EU Member States, there is a generally applicable statutory minimum wage and the level of this minimum wage varies greatly from one country to another. This article provides information on statutory minimum wage levels and how this is determined across the EU in January 2016. Relevant Posts Stirati, Antonella, (2016), “Real wages in the business …Read More

2008 Revisited?

Roubini, Nouriel, (2016), “2008 Revisited?”, Project Syndicate, 2 March. NEW YORK – The question I am asked most often nowadays is this: Are we back to 2008 and another global financial crisis and recession? My answer is a straightforward no, but that the recent episode of global financial market turmoil is likely to be more serious than any period of volatility and risk-off behavior since 2009. This is because there are now …Read More