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Health at a Glance 2013

OECD, (2013), Health at a Glance 2013: OECD Indicators, Paris: OECD. This seventh edition of Health at a Glance provides the latest comparable data on different aspects of the performance of health systems in OECD countries. It provides striking evidence of large variations across countries in the costs, activities and results of health systems. Key indicators provide information on health status, the determinants of health, health care activities and health …Read More

A Schuman compact for the euro area

Mody, A., (2013), “A Schuman compact for the euro area”, Bruegel, Bruegel Essay and Lecture Series, November. Five years of crisis have pushed Europe to take emergency financial measures to cushion the free fall of distressed countries. However, efforts to turn the crisis into a spur for “an ever closer union” have met with political resistance to the surrender of fiscal sovereignty. If such a union remains elusive, a perpetual …Read More

Structural Reforms – Be Careful What You Wish For!

Janssen, R., (2013), “Structural Reforms – Be Careful What You Wish For!”, Social Europe Journal, 20 November. “Be bolder in tackling structural reforms”. It almost sounds like a line from the Star Trek television series but it is Commission President Barroso presenting the 2014 Annual Growth Survey (AGS) (see here). This then is the key message coming from the new AGS: Reforms, reforms and more reforms. However, before continuing on …Read More

The Eurozone is not suffering from an economic crisis, but a crisis of national politics

Alonso, S., (2013), “The Eurozone is not suffering from an economic crisis, but a crisis of national politics”, LSE European Politics and Policy Blog, 20 November. One of the most worrying aspects of the Eurozone crisis has been its effect on democracy. Sonia Alonso argues that while the crisis has weakened democracy in several countries, particularly with regard to the implementation of austerity policies against public opposition, this should not …Read More

The ECB rate cut was driven by the needs of Germany, not the needs of the Eurozone

Coppola, F., (2013), “The ECB rate cut was driven by the needs of Germany, not the needs of the Eurozone”, LSE European Politics and Policy Blog, 19 November. Earlier this month, the European Central Bank cut its benchmark interest rate to a new low of 0.25 per cent, down from 0.5 per cent. Frances Coppola writes that the rate cut is unlikely to offer any help to the struggling economies …Read More

What’s Stopping Robust Recovery?

Spence, M., (2013), “What’s Stopping Robust Recovery?”, Project Syndicate, 19 November. The growth map of the global economy is relatively clear. The US is in a partial recovery, with growth at 1.5-2% and lagging employment. Europe as a whole is barely above zero growth, with large variations among countries, though with some evidence of painful re-convergence, at least in terms of nominal unit labor costs. China’s growth, meanwhile, is leveling …Read More

Deepening the EMU: How to maintain and develop the European social model?

Fernandes, S. and Maslauskaite, K., (2013), Deepening the EMU: How to maintain and develop the European social model?”, Notre Europe – Jacques Delors Institute, Studies and Reports 101, November. Notre Europe – Jacques Delors Institute publishes a study commissioned by the Federal Chancellery of Austria on the impact of the reforms currently implemented or mooted on national welfare states in the EMU. As Jacques Delors underlines in the foreword of …Read More

A bank restructuring agency for the Eurozone – cleaning up the legacy losses

Beck, T. and Trebesch, C., (2013), “A bank restructuring agency for the Eurozone – cleaning up the legacy losses”, VoxEU, 18 November. Many Eurozone banks are still in a fragile state following the Global Crisis. This vulnerability will be highlighted as the ECB takes charge of bank supervision, and the EZ moves towards a banking union. This column proposes a Eurozone bank restructuring agency as a way to speed up …Read More

OECD Economic Outlook 2013

OECD, (2013), OECD Economic Outlook, Vol. 2013/2, OECD Publishing. Τhe global economy is expected to continue expanding at a moderate pace over the coming two years, but policymakers must ensure that instability in financial markets and underlying fragility in some major economies are not allowed to derail growth, according to the OECD’s latest Economic Outlook. “The recovery is real, but at a slow speed, and there may be turbulence on …Read More

Central Banks and Financial Stability

Wren-Lewis, S., (2013), “Central Banks and Financial Stability”, Social Europe Journal, 18 November. Inflation is significantly below 2% almost everywhere. In the US, Japan and the UK (even though in the UK inflation is still just above 2%) central banks are doing a great deal to get inflation back to 2%. Maybe not enough, but their goal is clear. The ECB is belatedly following the same path (although it remains …Read More