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Youth unemployment, socio-economic divergences and fiscal capacity in the euro area

Rodrigues, M.J., (2013), “Youth unemployment, socio-economic divergences and fiscal capacity in the euro area”, Notre Europe – Jacques Delors Institute, Policy Paper No.101, November. While the European Heads of States and Governments, institutions, and social partners meet at the High level conference on youth employment in Paris, Notre Europe – Jacques Delors Institute publishes a Policy Paper on these issues, by Maria João Rodrigues, member of our board of directors. …Read More

States of uncertainty: Youth unemployment in Europe

Thompson, S., (2013), “States of uncertainty: Youth unemployment in Europe”, Institute for Public Policy Research, November. Using new statistical analysis of the youth unemployment picture across Europe, this report assesses the different roles played by education and training, business behaviour and labour market institutions in young people’s transitions from compulsory schooling to suitable employment. Youth unemployment has increased substantially in most European countries since the 2008–2009 financial crisis, reaching 5.5 …Read More

Why Draghi was right to cut rates

Wolf, M., (2013), “Why Draghi was right to cut rates”, The Financial Times, 12 November. Τhe monetary policy of the European Central Bank has been too tight. This is shown in the fall of core annual inflation to just 0.8 per cent in the year to October 2013. The case for the monetary easing undertaken last week was overwhelming. Indeed, it was long overdue. Yet, it has been leaked, the …Read More

Revisiting sovereign bankruptcy

Buchheit, L., Weder di Mauro, B., Gelpern, A.,  Gulati, M., Panizza, U. and Zettelmeyer, J., (2013), “Revisiting sovereign bankruptcy”, VoxEU, 12 November. Sovereign-debt crises occur regularly and often violently. The recent debt crisis in Greece almost led to the collapse of the euro. Yet, there is no legally and politically recognised procedure for restructuring the debt of bankrupt sovereigns. Procedures of this type have been periodically debated – most recently, …Read More

Fiscal Consolidations and Growth: Does Speed Matter?

Pennings, S. and Pérez Ruiz, E., (2013), “Fiscal Consolidations and Growth: Does Speed Matter?”, International Monetary Fund, Working Paper No. 13/230, November. Should fiscal consolidations be front-loaded or proceed at a more steady pace, and how does this affect growth? We make an attempt to address this question using a three-step methodology. First, we modify a standard regression of growth on consolidation size to allow speed to affect the multiplier. …Read More

Germany’s lack of reciprocity

Krugman, P., (2013), “Germany’s lack of reciprocity”, The New York Times, 12 November. Huge tensions over the ECB rate cut, with a split on the board and many German economists protesting. As usual, a lot of it is about the perception that those lazy southern Europeans are getting a free ride: A commentary by the chief economist of the financial weekly Wirtschaftswoche called the decision a “diktat from a new …Read More

The eurozone needs to get inflation up again

Münchau, W., (2013), “The eurozone needs to get inflation up again”, The Financial Times, 10 November. What surprised me last week was not the European Central Bank’s decision to cut interest rates, but that so few people had expected it. That is astonishing since the ECB is certain to fall short of its inflation target – achieving an annual rate of close to 2 per cent in the medium term. …Read More

Towards A Progressive Economy For Europe

Swoboda, Η.  and Hughes, S., (2013), “Towards A Progressive Economy For Europe”, Social Europe Journal, 11 November. Europe’s current misfortune is not just that it was hit by the most severe financial crisis in decades. It has also come from the fact that this crisis occurred during a time in which economic thinking was, and still remains, dominated by old concepts and neoclassical models. Back in 2008 and 2009, survival …Read More

Turning Germany’s surplus into a win-win for the Eurozone

Rehn, O., (2013), “Turning Germany’s surplus into a win-win for the Eurozone”, Olli Rehn’s blog, 11 November. Germany’s current account surplus has been a subject of heated debate for some time. On the one side, there are regular calls for the country to reduce its surplus through fiscal stimulus, to lift southern Europe from its doldrums. On the other side, in Germany these calls are often regarded as jealous attacks …Read More

The perils of private-sector deleveraging in the Eurozone

Bornhorst, F. and Ruiz Arranz, M., (2013), “The perils of private-sector deleveraging in the Eurozone”, VoxEU, 10 November. Private and public debt in the Eurozone increased since the 2000s, and especially so in certain countries. This column presents evidence that high levels of private and public debt, together with deleveraging of all sectors, are especially harmful for economic growth. Private sector debt is more detrimental to growth than public sector …Read More