Arnold, Jens, (2017),“Portugal needs stronger investment to maintain growth and improve living standards”, Portugal Desk, OECD Economics Department, 6 February Since 2012, investment has hardly exceeded the depreciation of the existing capital stock, meaning that growth of the productive capital stock has almost stalled. This is one reason behind the low potential growth of the Portuguese economy, which the OECD currently puts below 0.5%. Without stronger investment, growth performance is bound to …Read More
The losers from credit crunches
Berton, Fabio , Mocetti, Sauro , Presbitero, Andrea , Richiardi, Matteo , (2017), “The losers from credit crunches”, VoxEu, 9 February In the aftermath of the Global Crisis, a severe credit crunch has had long-lasting consequences for a number of economies. Trade has collapsed (Paravisini et al 2011), investment expenditure has shrunk significantly (Cingano et al. 2016), and unemployment rates have increased markedly (e.g. Clements et al. 2012). These developments …Read More
Bruegel conference discusses strategies to tackle Europe’s NPL crisis
Demertzis, Maria , Lehmann, Alexander , (2017), “Bruegel conference discusses strategies to tackle Europe’s NPL crisis”, Bruegel, 7 February Europe is facing a non-performing loan (NPL) crisis. Bringing together over 100 senior experts from the EU institutions, national authorities and key market participants, a recent Bruegel conference discussed current options and novel approaches. The event was held mainly under the Chatham House rule. Thus what follows is a brief, personal …Read More
Resolving Europe’s NPL burden: challenges and benefits
Constancio, Vitor, (2017), “Resolving Europe’s NPL burden: challenges and benefits”, Bruegel, 3 February Keynote speech by Vítor Constâncio, Vice-President of the ECB, at Bruegel event: “Tackling Europe’s non-performing loans crisis: restructuring debt, reviving growth” Relevant Posts Anastasiou, Dimitrios , Louri, Helen, Tsionas, Mike, (2017), “Non-Performing Loans In The Euro Area: Are Core-Periphery Banking Markets Fragmented?”, Bank Of Greece, December 2016 European Central Bank, (2016), “Addressing market failures in the resolution of nonperforming …Read More
Will better insolvency standards help Europe’s debt deleveraging?
Lehmann, Alexander, (2017), “Will better insolvency standards help Europe’s debt deleveraging?”, Bruegel, 23 January Insolvency regimes in the euro area are on the whole costly, lengthy, and recover little value. A new directive proposed by the Commission sensibly aims to strengthen preventive restructuring and to give once-failed entrepreneurs a second chance. But to assist banks in their NPL workout judicial capacity will need to be built up, and regimes better …Read More
European Fiscal Union: Economic rationale and design challenges
Thirion, Gilles, (2017), “European Fiscal Union: Economic rationale and design challenges”, CEPS, No. 2017-01, January 2017 Proposals for different types of elements of a fiscal union have flourished in recent years, both from academic and policy circles. Since a fiscal union could take a constellation of various different forms, this paper first provides an analytical framework pinpointing the five key elements of a fiscal union. It takes stock of the …Read More
An assessment of the redistributive function of the EU budget
Pasimeni, Paolo, Riso, Stéphanie, (2017),“An assessment of the redistributive function of the EU budget”, VoxEu, 19 Ιανουαρίου EU budget reform is a key issue in policy debates, in particular the redistributive effects between member states. This column assesses redistribution within the EU budget over the period 2000 to 2014. It finds that the net redistributive impact of the EU budget is rather small and, contrary to common belief, that the …Read More
Italy 2017: Back To Austerity
Minenna, Marcello, (2017), “Italy 2017: Back To Austerity”, Social Europe, 19 January The political turmoil that followed the Renzi government’s resignation after the results of Italy’s referendum on constitutional reforms, the hurried appointment of the new executive and the endless emergency of Monte dei Paschi overshadowed the letter that the European Commission sent on December 5th to the outgoing administration. In concise terms, the letter confirmed what was already in …Read More
Europe’s Make-or-Break country: what is wrong with Italy’s economy?
Giugliano, Ferdinando, Odendahl, Christian, (2016), “Europe’s Make-or-Break country: what is wrong with Italy’s economy?”, Centre for European Reform, 19 December After Matteo Renzi lost his referendum on constitutional reform and resigned, Italy returned to the European spotlight. Although it is a founding member of the EU, Italian public support for the European project is among the lowest in Europe; it is the eurozone’s third largest economy, but its economy is the …Read More
Finance and growth: The direction of causality
Lin Chong, Eilyn Yee, Mody, Ashoka, Varela Sandoval, Francisco, (2017), “Finance and growth: The direction of causality”, VoxEu, 17 January Recent research suggests a point beyond which the benefits of financial development diminish, and further development can even hurt growth. This column describes how a negative relationship between credit and growth emerged strongly after 1990 and was particularly pronounced in the Eurozone, consistent with the notion that an overgrown financial sector weakens economic …Read More