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Action Plan on Base Erosion and Profit Shifting

OECD, (2013), Action Plan on Base Erosion and Profit Shifting, 19 July. Taxation is at the core of countries’ sovereignty, but in recent years, multinational companies have avoided taxation in their home countries by pushing activities abroad to low or no tax jurisdictions.  The G20 asked OECD to address this growing problem by creating this action plan to address base erosion and profit shifting. This plan identifies a series of domestic and …Read More

German Banks on Top

Zingales, Luigi, (2013), “German Banks on Top”,, 18 July. Overcoming the European Union’s current economic malaise, as almost everyone acknowledges, requires deeper integration, with the first step taking the form of a banking union supervised by the European Central Bank. But Europe’s banking union also requires uniform rules for winding up insolvent financial institutions – and this has become a sticking point.

Redesigning the ECB with regional rather than national central banks

Burda, Michael, (2013), “Redesigning the ECB with regional rather than national central banks”,, 15  July. Eurozone national central banks that take a national perspective risk politicising the ECB’s monetary policy. This column argues that this is a significant risk that should be overcome with a fundamental overhaul of the Eurosystem. A central element would be to take the ‘national’ out of the EZ’s national central banks. Just as US …Read More

OECD Employment Outlook

OECD, (2013), Employment Outlook, Paris. Concerns are growing in many countries about the strains that persistently high levels of unemployment are placing on the social fabric. Over five years have passed since the onset of the global financial and economic crisis but an uneven and weak recovery has not generated enough jobs to make a serious dent in unemployment in many OECD countries. In April 2013, 8% of the OECD …Read More

Austerity: European democracies against the wall

Lorenzo Bini Smaghi, (2013), Austerity: European democracies against the wall, CEPS. The crisis in the eurozone has had a dramatic impact on the economic and social fabric of European countries. However important it may be, the economic dimension is only the symptom of a broader problem. The crisis is primarily political in nature. Lorenzo Bini Smaghi argues in this book that the crisis reflects the inability of western democracies to …Read More

IMF, (2013), World Economic Outlook-Update, July.

IMF, (2013), World Economic Outlook-Update, July. Global growth is projected to remain subdued at slightly above 3 percent in 2013, the same as in 2012. This is less than forecast in the April 2013 World Economic Outlook (WEO), driven to a large extent by appreciably weaker domestic demand and slower growth in several key emerging market economies, as well as a more protracted recession in the euro area. Downside risks …Read More

Redesigning the ECB with regional rather than national central banks

Burda, Michael, (2013), “Redesigning the ECB with regional rather than national central banks”,, 15 July. Eurozone national central banks that take a national perspective risk politicising the ECB’s monetary policy. This column argues that this is a significant risk that should be overcome with a fundamental overhaul of the Eurosystem. A central element would be to take the ‘national’ out of the EZ’s national central banks. Just as US regional …Read More

Europe’s Zombie Banks

Gros, Daniel, (2013), “Europe’s Zombie Banks”,, 10 July. What is wrong with Europe’s banks? The short answer is that the sector is too large, has too little capital, and contains too many players that lack a viable long-term business model. It is the combination of the last two factors – an overabundance of banks with no sustainable way to turn a profit – that constitutes the most serious and …Read More

The popular legitimacy of European healthcare systems: A multilevel analysis of 24 countries

Missinne, Sarah, Meuleman, Bart, Bracke, Piet, (2013), “The popular legitimacy of European  healthcare systems: A multilevel analysis of  24 countries”, Journal of European Social Policy, Vol. 23, Issue 3, July 2013, p.p,  231-247 This paper provides an empirical study of the between-individual and between-country differences in the popular legitimacy of European healthcare systems. In order to explain two dimensions of popular legitimacy (satisfaction and support for state responsibility), we assess …Read More

The Free Trade Charade

Stiglitz, Joseph, (2013), “The Free Trade Charade”,, 4 July. Though nothing has come of the World Trade Organization’s Doha Development Round of global trade negotiations since they were launched almost a dozen years ago, another round of talks is in the works. But this time the negotiations will not be held on a global, multilateral basis; rather, two huge regional agreements – one transpacific, and the other transatlantic – …Read More