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A rating agency for Europe-A good idea?

Bartels, Bernhard, Weder di Mauro, Beatrice, (2013), “A rating agency for Europe-A good idea?”,, 4 July. US-based credit-rating agencies are regularly subject to condemnation for causing or amplifying financial crises – the Eurozone Crisis in particular. Should Europe try to set up a European agency to counter this? This column discusses evidence that shows that the largest German rating agency was more aggressive than the US Big Three both …Read More

Foretastes of a “new normal”: The results of a low-profile summit

Emmanouilidis A., Janis, “Foretastes of a “new normal”: The results of a low-profile summit-Post”, European Policy Centre Publications, 1 July. The 27-28 June European Council was a low-profile affair which attracted little attention beyond the walls of the Justus Lipsius. EU leaders’ main aim was to signal to the public that they are intensifying their efforts to counter the most severe economic impacts of the crisis. This post-summit analysis by …Read More

Tough love for sinners in the Εurozone banking union

Micossi, Stefano, (2013), “Tough love for sinners in the Εurozone banking union”, CEPS Commentaries in Economic Policy, 1 July. The ministers of finance and the economy of the eurozone have now agreed on the main features of a new ESM instrument for the direct recapitalisation of euro area banks (Eurogroup, 2013) and on a framework for the recovery and resolution of credit institutions (Council of the European Union, 2013).However, as …Read More

Germany and the Euroland Crisis-The Making of a Vulnerable Haven

Bibow, Jorg, (2013), “Germany and the Euroland Crisis-The Making of a Vulnerable Haven”, Levy Institute Working Paper, N. 767, June 2013. Τhis paper investigates Germany’s vulnerability to the ongoing Euroland crisis. In 2010–11, Germany experienced a strong rebound from the global financial crisis of 2008–09. The Euroland crisis then meant record low interest rates and a depressed euro that boosted German extra-area exports. But the crisis that started in Euroland’s …Read More

A realistic bridge towards European banking union

Veron, Nicolas, (2013), “A realistic bridge towards European banking union”,  Peterson Institute for International Economics Policy Brief, N. 13-17. New obstacles to the European banking union have emerged over the last year, but a successful transition remains necessary and possible. The European Central Bank (ECB) gains supervisory authority over most of Europe’s banking system in late 2014, but first there must be a rigorous balance sheet assessment that is likely …Read More

The Distributional Effects of Fiscal Consolidation

Ball, L.,  Furceri, D., Leigh, D., & Loungani, Pr., (2013), “The Distributional Effects of Fiscal Consolidation”, IMF Working Paper, N.,13/151. This paper examines the distributional effects of fiscal consolidation. Using episodes of fiscal consolidation for a sample of 17 OECD countries over the period 1978–2009, we find that fiscal consolidation has typically had significant distributional effects by raising inequality, decreasing wage income shares and increasing long-term unemployment. The evidence also suggests …Read More

High Level Group on Modernisation of Higher Education

European Commission, (2013), High Level Group on Modernisation of Higher Education, June 2013. The EU high-level group on modernisation of higher education publishes its first report today on improving the quality of teaching and learning in universities. The group, chaired by former President of Ireland Mary McAleese, makes 16 recommendations (see Annex 1) which include a call for mandatory certified training for professors and other higher education teaching staff, more …Read More

EZ banking union with a sovereign virus

Gros, Daniel, (2013), “EZ banking union with a sovereign virus”,, 14 June. The doom-loop between banks and the national governments played a dominant role in the Eurozone crisis for Ireland and Cyprus. A Eurozone banking union is usually viewed as the solution. This column argues that the doom-loop cannot be undone as long as banks hold oversized amounts of their government’s debt. A simple solution would be to apply …Read More

Fiscal implications of the ECB’s bond-buying programme

De Grauwe, Paul, Ji, Yuemei, (2013), “Fiscal implications of the ECB’s bond-buying programme”,, 14 June. The monetary-fiscal policy connection is under scrutiny by the German Constitutional Court in the context of the ECB’s OMT bond-buying programme. This column argues that most analyses are deeply flawed by the misapplication of private-company default principles to the central bank. ECB bond-buying transforms public bonds into monetary base, and sovereign-default risk into inflation …Read More

Capital Controls in Cyprus; Shooting at a moving target

Coutinho, Leonor, (2013), “Capital Controls in Cyprus; Shooting at a moving target”, Ceps, Ceps Commentaries in Economic Policy, 14 June. In her examination of the capital controls that have been in place in Cyprus since March 27th, Leonor Coutinho asks how soon can they be lifted and whether the recapitalisation plans will be sufficiently convincing to allow the Cypriot banking sector to regain the trust of the public.