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Labor Day 2028

Reich, Robert, (2015), “Labor Day 2028”, Social Europe Journal, 3 September Without such a mechanism, most of us are condemned to work ever harder in order to compensate for lost earnings due to the labor-replacing technologies. Such technologies are even replacing knowledge workers – a big reason why college degrees no longer deliver steadily higher wages and larger shares of the economic pie. Since 2000, the vast majority of college graduates have …Read More

The Dialectics Of European Integration – A New Push For A Federal EMU?

Watt, Andrew, (2015), “The Dialectics Of European Integration – A New Push For A Federal EMU?”, Social Europe Journal, 2 September Whatever else they might disagree about, just about everybody commenting on Europe agree about this: the succession of crises – financial, economic, fiscal, and now refugees – have set Europe’s peoples against one another. Nationalist and racist parties are gaining strength on the Right – with a real risk of …Read More

Will Oil Cause the Next Recession?

Shilling, Gary, (2015), “Will Oil Cause the Next Recession?”, Bloomberg View, 2 September If oil prices take another dramatic slide, as I believe they will, who wins and who loses? And could plummeting oil prices sow the seeds of the next recession?Oil-importing countries are obvious winners from falling crude prices. That includes the U.S., where — despite a surge in domestic production — imports still account for nearly 50 percent of petroleum consumption. Relevant Posts Gomez, …Read More

Entrepreneurship at a Glance 2015

OECD, (2015), Entrepreneurship at a Glance 2015, OECD Publishing, Paris, August. Executive summary Entrepreneurship at a Glance contains a wide range of internationally comparable measures of entrepreneurship designed to inform analysis and policy on entrepreneurship and entrepreneurs, reflecting their important contribution to innovation, employment and growth. Start-up rates have been on an upward trend since the crisis in many countries, particularly in Australia and the United Kingdom, and more recently in Denmark, Portugal and Sweden. In …Read More

Other People’s Money: Masters of the Universe or Servants of the People?

Kay, John, (2015), Other People’s Money: Masters of the Universe or Servants of the People?, Profile Books, 3 September. We all depend on the finance sector. We need it to store our money, manage our payments, finance housing stock, restore infrastructure, fund retirement and support new business. But these roles comprise only a tiny sliver of the sector’s activity: the vast majority of lending is within the finance sector. So what is …Read More

Democratizing the Eurozone

Varoufakis, Yanis, (2015), “Democratizing the Eurozone”, Project Syndicate, 1 September. Like Macbeth, policymakers tend to commit new sins to cover up their old misdemeanors. And political systems prove their worth by how quickly they put an end to their officials’ serial, mutually reinforcing, policy mistakes. Judged by this standard, the eurozone, comprising 19 established democracies, lags behind the largest non-democratic economy in the world. Relevant Posts Βulmer, S., (2014), “Germany and …Read More

Greece shows the flaws in pursuing a common monetary policy response to economic shocks across the EU

Morley, Bruce, (2015), “Greece shows the flaws in pursuing a common monetary policy response to economic shocks across the EU”, LSE blog, 2 September. To what extent is the Greek debt crisis a function of wider flaws in the design of the single currency? Bruce Morley writes that while Greece’s debt already exceeded 100 per cent of GDP in the 1990s, it is not simply the size of a country’s debt …Read More

Why is China finding it hard to fight the markets?

Garcia Herrero, Alicia, (2015), “Why is China finding it hard to fight the markets?”, Bruegel publications, 31 Αυgust China’s market drama started in June this year with the collapse of the Shanghai stock exchange, followed by frantic interventions by the Chinese authorities. As if the estimated $200 billion already spent on propping up stock prices were not enough, China found itself in another battle with the market, defending the RMB …Read More

The global trade slowdown puzzle

Cohen Setton, Jeremie, (2015), “The global trade slowdown puzzle”, Bruegel publications, 31 Αυgust What’s at stake: This week’s data renewed concerns about developments in global trade as it showed for the last 6 months the biggest contraction in global trade since the end of the financial crisis. While cyclical factors may be at play, trade specialists have also advanced a host of structural explanations to explain the decline in the …Read More

Does Capitalism Cause Poverty?

Hausmann, Ricardo, (2015), “Does Capitalism Cause Poverty?”, Social Europe Journal, 31 Αυgust Capitalism gets blamed for many things nowadays: poverty, inequality, unemployment, even global warming. As Pope Francis said in a recent speech in Bolivia: “This system is by now intolerable: farm workers find it intolerable, laborers find it intolerable, communities find it intolerable, peoples find it intolerable. The earth itself – our sister, Mother Earth, as Saint Francis would say – …Read More