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The critical junction – Unless Germany charts a new business course, it will lose out to the rest of the world economy

Görlach, Α. (2015) “The critical junction – Unless Germany charts a new business course, it will lose out to the rest of the world economy“, The European Magazine, 02 March.   Sigmar Gabriel lives in the 19th century. For the German Minister for Economic Affairs, the list of what matters isn’t long: industry, German cars and so forth. Digital innovation? New business models? Not for him. He is, rather, stirring …Read More

Credit supply and the housing boom

Justiniano, A., Primiceri, G. & Tambalotti, A. (2015) “Credit supply and the housing boom“, VoxEU Organisation, 27 February.   There is no consensus among economists on the forces that drove the historical rise of US house prices and household debt that preceded the Global Crisis. In this column, the authors argue that the fundamental factor behind that boom was an increase in the supply of mortgage credit. This rise was …Read More

Debt sustainability and economic convergence of Euro-area Member States: Challenges and Solutions

Mauro, P. (2015) “Debt sustainability and economic convergence of Euro-area Member States: Challenges and Solutions“, European Parliament, Directorate General for Internal Policies – Economic Governance Support Unit, February.   Abstract The Eurozone is at risk of economic stagnation and the crisis has led to the most pervasive and pronounced increase in government debt-to-GDP ratios since the Second World War. Member countries are facing vastly differing economic growth rates, with some …Read More

Fiscal multipliers in downturns and the effects of Eurozone consolidation

Gechert, S., Hughes Hallett, A. & Rannenberg, A. (2015) “Fiscal multipliers in downturns and the effects of Eurozone consolidation“, Centre for Economic Policy Research, Policy Insight No. 79, 25 February.   The literature on fiscal multipliers has expanded greatly since the outbreak of the Global Crisis. This column introduces CEPR Policy Insight 79, which reports on a meta-regression analysis of fiscal multipliers collected from a broad set of empirical reduced form …Read More

Greece’s Reprieve: In Praise of Kicking the Can Down the Road

Mauro, Ρ. (2015) “Greece’s Reprieve: In Praise of Kicking the Can Down the Road“, Peterson Institute, RealTime Economic Issues Watch, 24 February.   The melodrama in Greece has produced demands that Athens and its European partners take decisive action to fix a complicated situation once and for all. In fact, kicking the can down the road—as the players did recently to avert a financial crisis—is an underrated and long-standing feature …Read More

We are glimpsing at the outlines of a new economic system

Conversation by Lars Mensel and Max Tholl with Jeremy Rifkin: “We are glimpsing at the outlines of a new economic system”, The European Magazine, 25 February 2015.   Economist and bestselling author Jeremy Rifkin argues that our grandchildren will pity our working conditions and that a bright future is not a utopian dream but an achievable goal. The European: Mr. Rifkin, the visions you formulate in your recent book “The …Read More

What is a ‘responsible’ fiscal policy today for Europe?

Buti, Μ. & Carnot, Ν. (2015) “What is a ‘responsible’ fiscal policy today for Europe?“, VoxEU Organisation, 24 February.   In an uncertain world, fiscal policy must be robust to a range of models. This column introduces a rule of thumb governing fiscal expansion that is consistent for a group of countries, and for each country individually. Applying this rule to the Eurozone recommends overall fiscal neutrality, with moderate consolidation …Read More

The Intersection of Three Crises

Bhalla, R. (2015) “The Intersection of Three Crises“, STRATFOR Geopolitical Weekly, 24 February.   Within the past two weeks, a temporary deal to keep Greece in the eurozone was reached in Brussels, a cease-fire roadmap was agreed to in Minsk and Iranian negotiators advanced a potential nuclear deal in Geneva. Squadrons of diplomats have forestalled one geopolitical crisis after another. Yet it would be premature, even reckless, to assume that the …Read More

Why We Need A Welfare Union In Europe

Boeri, Τ. (2015) “Why We Need A Welfare Union In Europe“, Social Europe Journal, 23 February.   Are Europe’s welfare states fit to meet the demands brought on by the financial crisis? In an interview with EUROPP’s Managing Editor Stuart Brown, Tito Boeri discusses the need for a ‘stress test’ of the European welfare state, why citizens in southern European countries have been much more susceptible to poverty during the crisis, and …Read More

Why participatory governance offers a realistic route to addressing the EU’s legitimacy crisis

Oskar Lindgren, K. (2015) “Why participatory governance offers a realistic route to addressing the EU’s legitimacy crisis, LSE EUROPP, 24 February.   How can EU decision-making be brought closer to Europe’s citizens? Based on a case study of the ‘REACH’ regulation governing the production and use of chemical substances, Karl-Oskar Lindgren writes on the potential for a participatory governance approach to increase the EU’s legitimacy by enhancing the capacity for …Read More