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Investing in Europe’s physical and knowledge infrastructure

Coulter, S., (2013), “Investing in Europe’s physical and knowledge infrastructure”, Policy Network, 21 October. Europe would benefit from extra investment in both its physical and knowledge infrastructure – the two are necessities, not alternatives.  But what are the political choices and impediments to an EU investment and growth agenda? With Europe’s debt crisis receding for the moment and the economic numbers slowly ticking up, heads are beginning to lift up …Read More

Making Markets Work

Aubrey, T., (2013), “Making Markets Work”, Policy Network, October. How Effective Regulation Reduces Reliance on Taxation The complacency with which an ever increasing amount of tax payers’ money was used to counter the worst excesses of the market has weakened centre-left parties in the fall-out from the financial crisis. This form of redress is not only no longer politically viable, but it also fails to address the underlying cause of …Read More

Proposal for a Stabilisation Fund for the EMU

Delbecque, B., (2013), “Proposal for a Stabilisation Fund for the EMU”, Centre for European Policy Studies, Working Paper No.385, 14 October. This paper argues that it should be possible to complement Europe’s Economic and Monetary Union with an insurance-type shock absorption mechanism to increase the resilience of member countries to economic shocks and reduce output volatility. Such a mechanism would neither require the establishment of a central authority, nor would …Read More

How to form a more perfect European Banking Union

Ubide, A., (2013), “How to form a more perfect European Banking Union”, Peterson Institute for International Economics, Policy Brief, PB13-23, October. The euro area has made significant strides in the last six months in designing a banking union. The goal has been to centralize supervisory decision making and improve the management of failing banks while protecting European taxpayers and imposing costs on creditors through so-called bail-ins to reduce moral hazard. …Read More

Reshaping Europe’s financial system

Sapir, A. and Wolf, G., (2013), “Reshaping Europe’s financial system”, Bruegel, 23 September. With the upcoming Asset Quality Review (AQR) by the European Central Bank, Europe has a chance to fundamentally reshape its financial system to make it both more stable and more efficient. This will require bold action not only to clean up bank balance sheets but also to set a genuine single market for financial services. Prior to …Read More

A social dimension for the EMU: why and how?

Fernandes, S. and Maslauskaite, K., (2013), “A social dimension for the EMU: why and how?”, Notre Europe Jacques Delors Institute, Policy Paper 98, September. The debate on a social dimension for the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) is not a new one, yet social considerations have been put on the top of the European political agenda again in the context of deep economic recession and of the reform of EMU’s …Read More

Reassessing the Role and Modalities of Fiscal Policy in Advanced Economies

IMF, (2013), “Reassessing the Role and Modalities of Fiscal Policy in Advanced Economies”, IMF Policy Paper, 17 September. This paper investigates how developments during and after the 2008–09 crisis have changed economists’ and policymakers’ views on: (i) fiscal risks and fiscal sustainability; (ii) the effectiveness of fiscal policy as a countercyclical tool; (iii) the appropriate design of fiscal adjustment programs; and (iv) the role of fiscal institutions. Advanced economies have …Read More

The way out of the Cyprus economic crisis

Theophanous, A., (2013), “The way out of the Cyprus economic crisis”, Notre Europe – Jacques Delors Institute, Policy Paper 96, September. This policy paper presents the current situation in Cyprus, and proposes two scenarii of a way out of the Cyprus economic crisis: a reframing of the current Troika’s philosophy, or an eventual temporary exit from the euro area. After having analysed the current economic, political and social situation of …Read More

The euro area’s tightrope walk: debt and competitiveness in Italy and Spain

Darvas, Z., (2013), “The euro area’s tightrope walk: debt and competitiveness in Italy and Spain”,, 3 September. Competitiveness adjustment in struggling southern euro-area members requires persistently lower inflation than in major trading partners, but low inflation worsens public debt sustainability. When average euro-area inflation undershoots the two percent target, the conflict between intra-euro relative price adjustment and debt sustainability is more severe.

Role of Apprenticeships in Combating Youth Unemployment in Europe and the United States

Aivazova, N., (2013), “Role of Apprenticeships in Combating Youth Unemployment in Europe and the United States”, Peterson Institute for International Economics Policy Brief, N. 13-20. Many of the world’s advanced economies continue to struggle with sluggish growth and high unemployment, especially among younger workers. One reason for high unemployment in countries such as Greece, Portugal, and Spain is a mismatch between the skills demanded by employers and those available among the population. …Read More