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ECB Needs Japanese Lessons

Gilbert, Μ. (2014) “ECB Needs Japanese Lessons“, Bloomberg View, 05 November.   Economists like to warn about Japanification, the risk that a country will follow the desultory experience of Japan, which slumped into deflation in 1999 and for all intents never climbed out. As Europe slides closer to deflation, the European Central Bank should heed the historical experience and the current efforts by the Bank of Japan to resuscitate growth. …Read More

Five minutes with Robert O. Keohane: “We shouldn’t fool ourselves by believing that global governance will soon be made democratic”

Interview with R. Keohane (2014) Five minutes with Robert O. Keohane: “We shouldn’t fool ourselves by believing that global governance will soon be made democratic”, LSE EUROPP, 05 November.   Can global governance through organisations such as the United Nations and the World Trade Organization ever be made properly democratic? In an interview with EUROPP’s editor Stuart Brown, Robert O. Keohane discusses the problems with establishing global democratic governance, the …Read More

The Single-Engine Global Economy

Roubini, N. (2014) “The Single-Engine Global Economy“, Social Europe Journal, 04 November.   The global economy is like a jetliner that needs all of its engines operational to take off and steer clear of clouds and storms. Unfortunately, only one of its four engines is functioning properly: the Anglosphere (the United States and its close cousin, the United Kingdom). The second engine – the eurozone – has now stalled after …Read More

Where the Next Financial Crisis Will Come From

Foroohar, R. (2014) “Where the Next Financial Crisis Will Come From“, Time Magazine, 03 November.   The next financial crisis won’t come from the banking sector. That’s the message implicit in the latest report on the global financial sector from the Financial Stability Board, the group that monitors what’s happening with the world’s money flow. Instead, it’s very likely to come from the massive and growing “shadow banking” sector—an area …Read More

EU migration – a deliverable proposal for reform

“EU migration – a deliverable proposal for reform“, Open Europe Blog, 03 November 2014.   As we already noted here, today we published a new pamphlet by Professor Damian Chalmers of the LSE and our Research Director Stephen Booth. The basic question the authors ask is, in the current political climate, how in the world can we ‘save’ EU free movement? As we’ve stated repeatedly, Open Europe thinks that the …Read More

The Draghi Put on Trial

Gopinath, G. (2014) “The Draghi Put on Trial“, Project Syndicate, 03 November.   In the summer of 2012, European Central Bank President Mario Draghi pledged to do “whatever it takes” to save the euro, including purchasing “unlimited” amounts of struggling governments’ bonds. The move, which has come to be known as the “Draghi put,” almost immediately reduced borrowing costs for Spain and Italy, and is widely touted as having pulled …Read More

Getting Investment in Europe Right

Pisani-Ferry, J. (2014) “Getting Investment in Europe Right“, Project Syndicate, 31 October.   The European Commission’s new president, Jean-Claude Juncker, has put public investment back on the agenda with his idea of a three-year €300 billion ($378 million) capital spending plan. The European Union’s leaders are expected to discuss his proposal in December. Everyone seems to agree that more investment would help to strengthen a worryingly feeble European economy. But, …Read More

Tax reforms in EU Member States 2014 – Tax policy challenges for economic growth and fiscal sustainability – 2014 Report

European Commission (2014) “Tax reforms in EU Member States 2014 – Tax policy challenges for economic growth and fiscal sustainability – 2014 Report“, Directorate General for Economic and Financial Affairs (ECFIN) and Directorate General for Taxation and Customs Union (TAXUD), European Economy 6/2014, November.   Tax reforms in EU Member States to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of tax systems can contribute to the stability of public finances; boost economic …Read More

The Review of the Europe 2020 Strategy: From austerity to prosperity?

Renda, A. (2014) “The Review of the Europe 2020 Strategy: From austerity to prosperity?“, Regulatory Policy, CEPS Policy Briefs, 27 October.   The future of Europe 2020 lies in its ability to become the protagonist of a new season in EU policy, in which countries can apply for more flexibility only if they can prove both structural reform and good governance, argues the author. By establishing a ‘new deal’ among …Read More

Social Justice in the EU – A Cross-national Comparison, Social Inclusion Monitor Europe (SIM) – Index Report

Schraad-Tischler, D. & Krol, C. (2014) “Social Justice in the EU – A Cross-national Comparison, Social Inclusion Monitor Europe (SIM) – Index Report“, Bertelsmann Stiftung, November.   Key findings, in brief The growing social divide is a topic of much discussion these days. Certainly since the release of French economist Thomas Piketty’s recent book, Capital in the 21st Century, the topic of this widening gap is on everyone’s lips. The …Read More