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Household Debt and the European Crisis

Chmelar, Al., (2013), “Household Debt and the European Crisis”, ECRI Research Report. The fall in economic output all over Europe since 2008 has had important consequences for household liabilities. Major growth in demand and supply for household credit products has generated an increase in household debt, which contributed to growth rates during the pre-crisis period but – in some countries – became household-debt overhangs and helped inflate asset bubbles. In …Read More

Assessing the Impact and Phasing of Multi-year Fiscal Adjustment: A General Framework

Roaf, J., (2013), “Assessing the Impact and Phasing of Multi-year Fiscal Adjustment: A General Framework”, IMF Working Paper, N.,13/182. This paper provides a general framework to assess the output and debt dynamics of an economy undertaking multi-year fiscal adjustment. The framework allows country-specific assumptions about the magnitude and persistence of fiscal multipliers, hysteresis effects, and endogenous financing costs. In addition to informing macro projections, the framework can also shed light on the …Read More

The role of tax policy in times of fiscal consolidation

Princen, S., Mourre, G., (2013), “The role of tax policy in times of fiscal consolidation”, European Economy, Economic Papers N.502. The paper consists in the proceedings of the workshop organised by the Directorate General for Economic and Financial Affairs held in Brussels on 18 October 2012. Against the background of severe consolidation needs in many EU Member States, the workshop addressed the macroeconomic impact and redistributive effects of consolidation measures on the revenue …Read More

Economic Policy Coordination in the Economic and Monetary Union: From Maastricht via the SGP to the Fiscal Pact

Mortensen, J., (2013), “Economic Policy Coordination in the Economic and Monetary Union: From Maastricht via the SGP to the Fiscal Pact”, CEPS, 14 August. This paper first takes a step backwards with an attempt to situate the recent adoption of the Treaty on Stability, Coordination and Governance in the Economic and Monetary Union in the context of discussions on the Stability and Growth Pact (SGP) and the ‘Maastricht criteria’, as …Read More

Sovereign debt and its restructuring framework in the euro area

Mody, Ash., (2013),  “Sovereign debt and its restructuring framework in the euro area”,, 12 August. To compensate for the inflexibility of fixed exchange rates, the euro area needs flexibility through a system of orderly debt restructuring. With virtually no room for macroeconomic manoeuvring since the crisis onset, fiscal austerity has been the main instrument for achieving reductions in public debt levels; but because austerity also weakens growth, public debt ratios …Read More

A Copernican turn in Banking Union urgently needed

Mayer, Thomas, (2013), “A Copernican turn in Banking Union urgently needed”, CEPS Policy Briefs, N. 297. Despite broad agreement among central bankers, policy-makers and economists that creation of a ‘Banking Union’ is essential for the survival of the euro, progress in building this union has been painfully slow. This is largely due to the protracted fights over which government will be the payer of last resort when banks fail because …Read More

Inflation persistence in Central and Eastern European countries

Darvas, Zsolt,  Varga, Balázs, (2013), “Inflation persistence in Central and Eastern European countries”, Bruegel Working Paper, N. 2013/04. This paper studies inflation persistence with time-varying coefficient autoregressions for twelve central European countries,in comparison with the United States and the euro area. Inflation persistence tends to be higher in times of high inflation. Since the oil price shocks, inflation persistence has declined both in the US and euro-area. In most central …Read More

Action Plan on Base Erosion and Profit Shifting

OECD, (2013), Action Plan on Base Erosion and Profit Shifting, 19 July. Taxation is at the core of countries’ sovereignty, but in recent years, multinational companies have avoided taxation in their home countries by pushing activities abroad to low or no tax jurisdictions.  The G20 asked OECD to address this growing problem by creating this action plan to address base erosion and profit shifting. This plan identifies a series of domestic and …Read More

Foretastes of a “new normal”: The results of a low-profile summit

Emmanouilidis A., Janis, “Foretastes of a “new normal”: The results of a low-profile summit-Post”, European Policy Centre Publications, 1 July. The 27-28 June European Council was a low-profile affair which attracted little attention beyond the walls of the Justus Lipsius. EU leaders’ main aim was to signal to the public that they are intensifying their efforts to counter the most severe economic impacts of the crisis. This post-summit analysis by …Read More

Tough love for sinners in the Εurozone banking union

Micossi, Stefano, (2013), “Tough love for sinners in the Εurozone banking union”, CEPS Commentaries in Economic Policy, 1 July. The ministers of finance and the economy of the eurozone have now agreed on the main features of a new ESM instrument for the direct recapitalisation of euro area banks (Eurogroup, 2013) and on a framework for the recovery and resolution of credit institutions (Council of the European Union, 2013).However, as …Read More