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Revamping Europe’s Tattered Social Contract

Derviş, Κ. (2014) “Revamping Europe’s Tattered Social Contract“, Brookings Institute, 18 September.   For most of the beginning of 2014, the eurozone seemed to be in a state of recovery – weak and unsteady, but nonetheless real. In April, the International Monetary Fund estimated that overall GDP growth would reach 1.2% this year, with slowly declining unemployment, up from its previous forecast of 1% growth. With the threat of unsustainably high interest …Read More

So far apart and yet so close: Should the ECB care about inflation differentials?

Darvas, Z. & Wolff, B. G. (2014) “So far apart and yet so close: Should the ECB care about inflation differentials?“, Bruegel Institute, 22 September.   Inflation rates can differ across regions of monetary unions. We show that in the euro area, the US, Canada, Japan and Australia, inflation rates have been substantially and persistently different in different regions. Differences were particularly substantial in the euro area. Inflation differences can …Read More

Dying for Europe

Sutherland, P. (2014) “Dying for Europe“, Project Syndicate, 19 September.   This summer, a gruesome tragedy unfolded aboard a ship in the Mediterranean Sea. Twenty-nine men, women, and children fleeing crisis-torn countries succumbed to engine fumes in the vessel’s hold. As 60 others scrambled to escape, the human traffickers carrying them to Europe stabbed them and threw them into the sea off the coast of Lampedusa. Eventually, a Danish petrol …Read More

Europe’s Single Supervisory Mechanism: Most small banks are German (and Austrian and Italian) – a closer look at the ECB’s list shows that the smaller banks are concentrated in a limited number of countries, much more so than larger ones

Véron, Ν. (2014) “Europe’s Single Supervisory Mechanism: Most small banks are German (and Austrian and Italian) – a closer look at the ECB’s list shows that the smaller banks are concentrated in a limited number of countries, much more so than larger ones“, Bruegel Think Tank, 22 September.   A well-known limitation of Europe’s banking union is the fact that most banks in the euro area will escape direct supervision …Read More

Is the peace narrative really obsolete?

Sonntag, Α. (2014) “Is the peace narrative really obsolete?“, EU-Asia Institute, ESSCA School of Management, 22 September.   Efforts such as Rethinking Economics and The Institute for New Economic Thinking are noteworthy attempts to, as INET says, “broaden and accelerate the development of new economic thinking that can lead to solutions for the great challenges of the 21st century. The havoc wrought by our recent global financial crisis has vividly …Read More

Can New Economic Thinking Solve the Next Crisis?

Thoma, M. (2014) “Can New Economic Thinking Solve the Next Crisis?“, The Fiscal Times, 16 September.   Efforts such as Rethinking Economics and The Institute for New Economic Thinking are noteworthy attempts to, as INET says, “broaden and accelerate the development of new economic thinking that can lead to solutions for the great challenges of the 21st century. The havoc wrought by our recent global financial crisis has vividly demonstrated …Read More

The absence of national adjustment tools is the reason why Eurozone countries continue to struggle

Johnston, A. & Regan, A. (2014) “The absence of national adjustment tools is the reason why Eurozone countries continue to struggle“, LSE EUROPP, 22 September.   The Eurozone continues to experience low growth, while unemployment remains a substantial problem in several European states. Alison Johnston and Aidan Regan write that despite these issues, the European policy response has remained broadly similar since the crisis: reducing public spending and imposing structural …Read More

The benefits of Union?

Zuleeg, F. (2014) “The benefits of Union?“, Commentary, EPC Publications, 19 September.   Yesterday, as predicted by the polls, the people of Scotland rejected independence, opting to remain part of the United Kingdom, which also means that the EU does not have to face a Scottish application for membership. Some claim that this referendum has buried the question of Scottish independence indefinitely but this debate is probably not over: a …Read More

T.L.T.R.O. is Too Low to Resuscitate Optimism – the take up of liquidity under the ECB’s new TLTRO programme was well below expectations yesterday

Merler, S. (2014) “T.L.T.R.O. is Too Low to Resuscitate Optimism – the take up of liquidity under the ECB’s new TLTRO programme was well below expectations yesterday“, Bruegel Institute, 19 September.   Yesterday the ECB held the first auction of liquidity under its new TLTRO programme. The take up was well below expectations, raising questions about the actual ability of the ECB to regain control of its balance sheet. It’s …Read More

Is unemployment structural or cyclical? Main features of job matching in the EU after the crisis

Arpaia, Α., Kiss, A. & Turrini, A. (2014) “Is unemployment structural or cyclical? Main features of job matching in the EU after the crisis“, European Economy, European Commission Economic Papers 527, September.   The paper sheds light on developments in labour market matching in the EU after the crisis. First, it analyses the main features of the Beveridge curve and frictional unemployment in EU countries, with a view to isolate …Read More