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Facing Reality in the Eurozone

Turner, Α. (2014) “Facing Reality in the Eurozone“, Project Syndicate, 08 September.   European Central Bank President Mario Draghi’s recent speech at the annual gathering of central bankers in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, has excited great interest, but the implication of his remarks is even more startling than many initially recognized. If a eurozone breakup is to be avoided, escaping from continued recession will require increased fiscal deficits financed with ECB …Read More

Quantitative Easing Or Business Easing In Europe?

Janssen, R. (2014) “Quantitative Easing Or Business Easing In Europe?“, Social Europe Journal, 08 September.   A political “consensus” is at this moment being forged in the Euro Area around a policy mix where the ECB would go for some form of, yet undefined, quantitative easing and this in exchange for radical structural reforms. To push this view through, it seems as if anything is allowed. A rather hallucinating illustration …Read More

A ‘sovereign subsidy’ – zero risk weights and sovereign risk spillovers

Korte, J. & Steffen, S. (2014) “A ‘sovereign subsidy’ – zero risk weights and sovereign risk spillovers“, VoxEU Organisation, 07 September.   European banking regulation assigns a risk weight of zero to sovereign debt issued by EU member countries, making it an attractive investment for European banks. This column defines a ‘sovereign subsidy’ as a new measure quantifying to what extent banks are undercapitalised due to the zero risk weights. …Read More

Juncker, Tusk, Mogherini and the EU’s credibility crisis

Schweiger, C. (2014) “Juncker, Tusk, Mogherini and the EU’s credibility crisis“, Ideas on Europe Blog, 07 September.   After months of public wrangling and backroom discussions over the selection of the candidates for the vacancies of key institutional posts the EU is now finally in a position to address its mounting internal and external challenges with a new guard of official representatives. The selection process itself resembled very much the …Read More

Super Mario: 1up? – the ECB cuts the three reference rates and introduces a private asset purchase programme

Merler, S. (2014) “Super Mario: 1up? – the ECB cuts the three reference rates and introduces a private asset purchase programme“, Bruegel Think Tank, 05 September.   The stake at this month’s meeting of the ECB’s Governing Council was exceptionally high. Mario Draghi himself raised the bar of expectations, with his intervention at Jackson Hole. That speech marked a significant change in his language, on a number of important dimensions. …Read More

The ECB Throws down the Gauntlet

Kirkegaard, F. J. (2014) “The ECB Throws down the Gauntlet“, The Peterson Institute for International Economics, 05 September.   The European Central Bank (ECB) surprised financial markets on September 4 by announcing an interest rate cut of 10 basis points, a new program to purchase asset-backed securities (ABS) in the nonfinancial sector, and another round of purchases of covered bank bonds. The ECB was responding not only to the recent …Read More

Europe’s Center of Power Shifts East

Bershidsky, L. (2014) “Europe’s Center of Power Shifts East“, Bloomberg Views, 04 September.   As Jean-Claude Juncker assumes its presidency, the European Commission — Europe’s de-facto government — will ostensibly be run by representatives of the bloc’s newest, post-Communist members, but there will no longer be a commissioner for EU expansion. Europe needs time to heal, consolidate and reorient itself politically and economically. The reorientation appears to be along unfashionably …Read More

Which factors shape the relationship between manufacturing and government wages?

Marzinotto, Β. & Turrini, Α. (2014) “Which factors shape the relationship between manufacturing and government wages?“, VoxEU Organisation, 05 September.   The link between public- and private-sector compensation has important implications for the labour market and price competitiveness. This column reports that manufacturing and government wages co-move both in the long and short run, but that the long-run co-movement is much stronger where the government is an important employer. This …Read More

The discontented members of the Eurozone should consider very seriously the creation of a second euro

Melitz, J. (2014) “The discontented members of the Eurozone should consider very seriously the creation of a second euro“, LSE EUROPP Blog, 04 September.   Since the height of the Eurozone crisis, a number of reforms have been pursued to stabilise the economic situation in states using the single currency. In an interview with EUROPP’s editor Stuart Brown, Jacques Melitz outlines why the Eurozone is still suffering from two key …Read More

An Investment New Deal for Europe

Derviş, Κ. & Saraceno, F. (2014) “An Investment New Deal for Europe“, Brookings Blog, 03 September.   Six years into the crisis, the eurozone remains the sick man of the world economy. Its GDP today is barely at the pre-crisis level, deflation looms and the difference between the healthier core and a struggling periphery is not resolved. Moreover, even Germany may be slowing down, and Finland is in persistent recession. …Read More