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The role of creditor seniority in Europe’s sovereign debt crisis

Steinkamp, S. & Westermann, F. (2014) “The role of creditor seniority in Europe’s sovereign debt crisis“. Economic Policy, Vol. 29, Issue 79, pp. 495–552.   The share of public debt that is held by lenders with preferred creditor status (i.e. the IMF, ECB, ESM, etc.) has increased substantially during Europe’s sovereign debt crisis. Empirically, we document in both macro and survey data that there exists a close relationship between the increase …Read More

Vocational education and training and the Great Recession: supporting young people in a time of crisis

Heyes, J. (2014) “Vocational education and training and the Great Recession: supporting young people in a time of crisis“, Report 131, European Trade Union Institute (ETUI).   During the last five years training and education policies have received strong support at European and international levels. Emphasis has been placed on Initial Vocational Education and Training (IVET) and apprenticeships – which enable workers to gain a foothold in the labour market …Read More

Addressing weak inflation: The European Central Bank’s shopping list

Claeys, G., Darvas, Z., Merler, S. & Guntram, B. (2014) “Addressing weak inflation: The European Central Bank’s shopping list“, Bruegel Institute, Policy Contributions, 06 May.   There are clear benefits to price stability. High inflation can distort corporate investment decisions and the consumption behaviour of households. Changes to inflation redistribute real wealth and income between different segments of society, such as savers and borrowers, or young and old. Price stability …Read More

Can Investment Save Europe?

Pisani-Ferry, J. (2014) “Can Investment Save Europe?“, Project Syndicate, 30 July.   Economic growth in Europe remains disappointing. Virtually all European Union members are expected to post higher output in 2014; but, according to the International Monetary Fund’s latest projections, the average growth rate in the eurozone will barely exceed 1%. And, whereas the British economy is displaying strong momentum, its GDP has only now surpassed the pre-crisis mark. In …Read More

Financial crises: lessons from history for today

Sayek, S. & Taskin, F. (2014) “Financial crises: lessons from history for today“, Economic Policy, Vol. 29, Issue 79, pp. 447–493.   Making use of the propensity score matching method, we match earlier crises (pre-2007) with currently ongoing crises (post-2007). The old and new crises are matched in three dimensions: the global setting in which they occurred, the structure of the economy and the domestic vulnerabilities in the pre-crisis period. Our …Read More

Public Spending Reviews: design, conduct, implementation

Vandierendonck, C. (2014) “Public Spending Reviews: design, conduct, implementation“, European Economy, European Commission Economic Papers, 525, July: Brussels.   This paper proposes to highlight the main features and key success factors of the design, conduct and implementation of spending reviews, based on the experiences of EU Member States. Public expenditure accounts for almost half of the annual wealth created in the EU (49.0% of GDP in 2013). A major policy …Read More

Can large primary surpluses solve Europe’s debt problem?

Eichengreen, B. & Panizza, U. (2014) “Can large primary surpluses solve Europe’s debt problem?“, VoxEU Organisation, 30 July.   For the debts of European countries to be sustainable, their governments will have to run large primary budget surpluses. But there are both political and economic reasons to question whether this is possible. The evidence presented in this column is not optimistic about Europe’s crisis countries. Whereas large primary surpluses for …Read More

The Meaning of a British Exit from the European Union

McCormick, J. (2014) “The Meaning of a British Exit from the European Union“, LSE EUROPP, 29 Ιουλίου.   Since January 2013, and the announcement by British Prime Minister David Cameron of his plan to hold a referendum on continued UK membership of the European Union, there has been much speculation about the possible effects of a so-called ‘Brexit’. However, it can be no more than speculation, because no member state …Read More

Why is financial stability essential for key currencies in the international monetary system?

Goldberg, L., Krogstrup, S. & Rey, H. (2014) “Why is financial stability essential for key currencies in the international monetary system?“, VoxEU Organisation, 26 July.   The dollar’s dominant role in international trade and finance has proved remarkably resilient. This column argues that financial stability – and the policy and institutional frameworks that underpin it – are important new determinants of currencies’ international roles. While old drivers still matter, progress …Read More

20 years of the European single market: growth effects of EU integration

Petersen, Τ. (2014) “20 years of the European single market: growth effects of EU integration“, Policy Brief 2014/02, Future Social Market Economy, Bertelsmann Stiftung, 29 July.   The ongoing European integration has increased the economic growth of participating national economies. Calculating the cumulative gains in the real gross domestic product per capita resulting from the integration of Europe between 1992 and 2012, every national economy under consideration realized income gains …Read More