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On the transnational social question: How social inequalities are reproduced in Europe

Faist, Τ. (2014) “On the transnational social question: How social inequalities are reproduced in Europe“, Journal of European Social Policy, Vol. 24, No. 3, pp. 207-222, July.   What are the consequences of cross-border employment and social protection practices for social inequalities in Europe? The transnational social question is a multifaceted one: it is linked not only to inequalities generated by heterogeneities such as class, gender, ethnicity, legal status and …Read More

Fact of the week: Only 8% of banks says they will need to raise capital after AQR – the ECB’s Asset Quality Review in the eyes of bankers

Merler, S. (2014) “Fact of the week: Only 8% of banks says they will need to raise capital after AQR – the ECB’s Asset Quality Review in the eyes of bankers“, Bruegel Institute, 27 Ιουνίου.   In December, we wrote a paper about the ECB’s comprehensive assessment and its aftermath. We identified significant uncertainty about the recapitalisation needs that would be identified by the ECB’s comprehensive assessment. Ernst and Young …Read More

Pay in Europe in the 21st century

Aumayr‑Pintar, C.; Cabrita, J.; Fernández‑Macías, E. & Vacas‑Soriano, C. (2014) “Pay in Europe in the 21st century“, European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, Eurofound Research Project, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg: June.   The issue of wages has attracted particular attention at European level since the onset of the economic crisis. Changes in economic governance, notably within the European semester, have prompted discussions on …Read More

The magnetic pull of Europe’s soft power

Samadashvili, S. (2014) The magnetic pull of Europe’s soft power, EU Observer, Opinion Article, 27 June.   As Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine finalise association and free trade (DCFTA) agreements with Europe today (27 June), these Eastern Partners, together with the EU, are proving that while geography is destiny, history does not have to be so. The EU’s Eastern Partnership policy is the bridge which connects Europe to countries which were …Read More

How to keep a competitive edge in the talent game: Lessons for the EU from China and the US

Morehouse, C. & Busse, M. (2014) “How to keep a competitive edge in the talent game: Lessons for the EU from China and the US“, Economic Policy, CEPS Task Force Reports, 13 June.   This report is based on discussions within the CEPS Task Force on “The Quantity and Quality of Human Capital in Higher Education: Comparing the EU, the US and China”, chaired by Jan-Eric Sundgren, Senior Adviser to the CEO …Read More

IMF attacks the Stability and Growth Pact

Mitchell, B. (2014) “IMF attacks the Stability and Growth Pact“, Bill Mitchell Blog, 26 June.   The IMF recently called on the euro-zone leaders to In its 2014 Consultation – 2014 Article IV Consultation with the Euro Area Concluding Statement of the IMF Mission – (an annual event the IMF does with each contributing member) the IMF said that the Stability and Growth Pact (SGP) in the euro-zone “has become …Read More

The European Council’s strategic guidelines and immigration: can the EU be bold and innovative?

Pascouau, Y. (2014) “The European Council’s strategic guidelines and immigration: can the EU be bold and innovative?“, European Policy Centre Commentary, 25 June.   The agenda of the June 2014 EU Summit will be particularly heavy. Alongside issues related to the conclusion of the European Semester, the climate and energy framework, possible debates about Ukraine, Iraq and Syria, EU leaders will have to decide on two key dossiers: the nomination …Read More

Income Inequality and Youth Unemployment

Esposito, M. & Tse, T. (2014) “Income Inequality and Youth Unemployment“, Project Syndicate, 25 June.   With Thomas Picketty’s controversial book Capital in the Twenty-First Century topping several bestseller lists, income inequality – which has been on the rise since the 1970s – is once again capturing global attention. Debate surrounding the subject has covered many of the trend’s repercussions, including decreased social cohesion, growing slums, exploitation of labor, and …Read More

Europe needs new investment, not new rules – the EU must avoid another useless fight over its fiscal rules and instead use political capital to foster growth

Wolff, B. G. (2014) “Europe needs new investment, not new rules – the EU must avoid another useless fight over its fiscal rules and instead use political capital to foster growth“, Bruegel Institute, 25 June.   As the European Council meets in Brussels this week, the big debate on what a new policy deal for Europe could look like has re-emerged. Opponents group themselves around the famous “stability” vs “growth” …Read More

The economic consequences of leaving the EU, The final report of the CER commission on the UK and the EU single market

Springford, J., Tilford, S. & Whyte, P. (2014) “The economic consequences of leaving the EU, The final report of the CER commission on the UK and the EU single market“, Centre for European Reform, 09 June.   The economic case for British membership of the EU has always rested on the country’s participation in the single market. After British Prime Minister David Cameron pledged a referendum on the UK’s continued …Read More