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The European elections in Central and Eastern EU states illustrate that the rise of Euroscepticism was far from uniform across Europe

Haughton, Τ. & Novotna, T. (2014) “The European elections in Central and Eastern EU states illustrate that the rise of Euroscepticism was far from uniform across Europe“, LSE EUROPP Blog, 29 May.   The key story to emerge from the European elections in countries like France and the UK was the rise of Euroscepticism, but does this narrative apply to all countries across Europe? Tim Haughton and Tereza Novotna present …Read More

Inequality And Post-neoliberal Globalisation

Hoffer, F. (2014) “Inequality And Post-neoliberal Globalisation“, Social Europe Journal, 29 May.   Only a crisis – actual or perceived – produces real change. When that crisis occurs, the actions that are taken depend on the ideas that are lying around. That, I believe, is our basic function: to develop alternatives to existing policies, to keep them alive and available until the politically impossible becomes the politically inevitable. These are …Read More

Europe in Revolt

Kantor, M. (2014) “Europe in Revolt“, Project Syndicate, 29 May.   BRUSSELS – This Monday, European citizens awoke to a new reality. Across Europe, parties opposed to the European Union, mostly on the far right, were swept into the European Parliament by a wave of voter discontent. In some EU member states, including key countries like the United Kingdom and France, such parties will control the largest blocs of MEPs. …Read More

The German surplus and the Eurosceptics

Daveri, F. (2014) “The German surplus and the Eurosceptics“, VoxEU Organisation, 28 May.   Eurosceptic parties have been popular in the recent European elections, many complaining that the euro has only served Germany’s interests. This column points out that although data on aggregate trade flows show that Germany’s trade surplus with the rest of the Eurozone is not excessive, the success of a Eurosceptic party is larger in countries where …Read More

Europe and Anti-Europe

James, H. (2014) “Europe and Anti-Europe“. Project Syndicate, 27 May.   LONDON – The European Parliament election has set off a painful process of rethinking not only how the European Union works, but also what it is fundamentally about. The outcome made it clear that there are now two Europes: one in which the logic of integration is deeply embedded in the political system and the social order; and one …Read More

After The European Elections – How Will The EU Leadership Respond?

Palmer, J. (2014) “After The European Elections – How Will The EU Leadership Respond?“, Social Europe Journal, 27 Μαΐου.   Following the dramatic results of the elections to the European Parliament, the focus now shifts to whether the European Institutions and governments are capable of effective response. They will need to react radically and rapidly even if the election post-mortem EU leaders’ summit in Brussels produces little except hand wringing. …Read More

Public investment under the new EU Cohesion Policy is helping Europe out of the crisis and into growth

Hahn, J. (2014) “Public investment under the new EU Cohesion Policy is helping Europe out of the crisis and into growth“, LSE EUROPP, 27 May.   The EU’s Cohesion Policy (often referred to as the Regional Policy of the European Union) is one of the most important areas of spending in the EU budget. It aims to improve development and generate growth and employment by funding projects in regions across …Read More

Determinants of the growth and sovereign debt correlation

Lof, Μ. & Malinen, Τ. (2014) “Determinants of the growth and sovereign debt correlation“, VoxEU Organisation, 25 May.   Public debt and economic growth are historically negatively correlated. This column discusses new evidence that rejects the debt-to-growth causality. After estimating the effects between debt and growth in both directions, there is no evidence that high indebtedness suppresses economic growth. The effect of growth on debt is the main driver of …Read More

Spillovers from systemic bank defaults

Mink, M. & de Haan, J. (2014) “Spillovers from systemic bank defaults“, VoxEU Organisation, 24 May.   To date, much uncertainty exists about how large the spillovers would be from the default of a systemically important bank. This column shows evidence that the market values of US and EU banks hardly respond to changes in the default risk of banks that the Financial Stability Board considers globally systemically important (G-SIBs). …Read More

Between Apathy and Anger: Challenges to the Union from the 2014 Elections to the European Parliament

Piedrafita, S. & Lauenroth, A. (2014) “Between Apathy and Anger: Challenges to the Union from the 2014 Elections to the European Parliament“, Politics and Institutions, EPIN Papers, 20 May.   This EPIN study brings together contributions from a ​broad selection of member states ​and ​provid​es ​insightful analysis ​into the 2014 elections to the European Parliament on the ground. The report reveals the different factors that impede the development of genuine …Read More