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Multidimensional poverty measurement in Europe: An application of the adjusted headcount approach

Whelan, C., Nolan, B. & Maître, B. (2014) “Multidimensional poverty measurement in Europe: An application of the adjusted headcount approach“, Journal of European Social Policy, Vol. 25, No. 2, 183-197, May.   As awareness of the limitations of relying solely on income to measure poverty has become more widespread, attention has been increasingly focused on multi-dimensional approaches, to the point where the European Union (EU) has adopted a multidimensional poverty …Read More

The Eurosceptic Surge and How to Respond to It

Leonard, M. & Torreblanca, I. (2014) “The Eurosceptic Surge and How to Respond to It“, Policy Brief, European Council on Foreign Relations, 08 May.   Pollsters are predicting a Eurosceptic surge at the European elections, which take place at a time when the European Union is going through the worst economic and political crisis in its history. Although the main pro-European forces want to turn this election into a left–right …Read More

Exports and Capacity Constraints: A smooth transition regression model for six euro-area countries

Belke, Α., Oeking, Α. & Setzer, R. (2014) “Exports and Capacity Constraints: A smooth transition regression model for six euro-area countries“, Economic Policy, CEPS Working Documents, 06 May.   The significant gains in export market shares made in a number of vulnerable euro-area crisis countries have not been accompanied by an appropriate improvement in price competitiveness. This paper argues that, under certain conditions, firms consider export activity as a substitute …Read More

The positions of European political parties offer a clear choice to voters over what type of Europe they would like to see

Castro-Conde, C. A. (2014) “The positions of European political parties offer a clear choice to voters over what type of Europe they would like to see“, LSE EUROPP, 08 May.   European Parliament elections have often been criticised from the perspective that they fail to engage voters. Cristina Ares Castro-Conde presents a comprehensive comparison of the positions contained within the manifestos of all of the main European political parties. She …Read More

Raising wages should be a key component of economic growth strategies across the world

Onaran, O. & Stockhammer, E. (2014) “Raising wages should be a key component of economic growth strategies across the world“, LSE EUROPP, 07 May.     What impact do wages have on economic growth? Ozlem Onaran and Engelbert Stockhammer write that the size of wages as a percentage of state GDP has been falling across the world. They argue that this poses a problem because the negative impact on aggregate …Read More

The shock routine: economic crisis and the nature of social policy responses

Van Hooren, F., Kaasch, A. & Starke, P. (2014) “The shock routine: economic crisis and the nature of social policy responses“, Journal of European Public Policy, Vol. 21 Issue 4, Taylor and Francis Online, 21 March.   The idea that moments of crisis form opportunities for fundamental policy change is widespread in political science and public policy. It is usually associated with historical institutionalism and the notion of ‘critical junctures’. …Read More

All on Board, Making Inclusive Growth Happen

OECD (2014) All on Board, Making Inclusive Growth Happen, OECD Inclusive Growth Initiative with support from the Ford Foundation, May.   Inclusive Growth, which is a new approach to economic growth that aims to improve living standards and share the benefits of increased prosperity more evenly across social groups, has become a major challenge for many countries around the world. This objective is particularly relevant in high income countries and …Read More

The European Union: wider and deeper?

Kelemen, R. D., Menon, A. & Slapin, J. (2014) “The European Union: wider and deeper?“, Routledge Publications, Journal of European Public Policy, Vol. 21, No. 5, pp. 643-646, 28 April.   What is the relationship between widening and deepening in the European Union (EU)? Does the addition of new member states affect the process of centralization – that is to say, whether and how member states transfer ever more authority …Read More

The two faces of cross-border banking flows: An investigation into the links between global risk, arms-length funding, and internal capital markets

Reinhardt, D. & Riddiough, S. (2014) “The two faces of cross-border banking flows: An investigation into the links between global risk, arms-length funding, and internal capital markets“, VoxEU Organisation, 07 May.   Cross-border funding between banks collapsed following the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers, but the withdrawal of funding was not uniform across countries. This column argues that the composition of cross-border bank-to-bank funding can help to explain why. Interbank funding …Read More

Youth Unemployment in Mediterranean Countries

Eichhorst, W. & Neder, F. (2014) “Youth Unemployment in Mediterranean Countries“, Institute for the Study of Labor, IZA Policy Paper No. 80, March.   In all Mediterranean countries youth unemployment has reached alarming record levels. This paper analyses the current situation in France, Greece, Italy, Portugal, and Spain. In all countries school dropout rates are high, returns to education are low and the transition from education to work is problematic …Read More