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Globalisation and the Future of the Welfare State

Chen et al. (2014) “Globalisation and the Future of the Welfare State“, Institute for the Study of Labor, IZA Policy Paper No. 81, March.   This paper reconsiders the link between welfare state provision, globalisation and competitiveness empirically. We challenge the conventional wisdom that welfare states, large-scale public provision of social insurance and progressive systems of redistributive taxation are incompatible with economic globalisation. Our empirical analysis is motivated by recent …Read More

Central bank advice on austerity

Wren-Lewis, S. (2014) “Central bank advice on austerity“, Mainly Macro Blog, 05 May.   As I wrote recently, the economic debate on the impact on austerity is over bar the details. Fiscal contraction when interest rates are at their zero lower bound is likely to have a significant negative impact on output. Of course the popular debate goes on, because of absurd claims that recovering from austerity somehow validates it. …Read More

European Economic Forecast, Spring 2014

European Commission (2014) “European Economic Forecast, Spring 2014“, Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs, May: Brussels.   The EU economic outlook is strengthening. While leading indicators point to GDP growth gaining momentum in the near term, the conditions for a sustained recovery in the medium term are also improving. In view of the crisis legacy, growth is still set to remain moderate, but a gradual easing of the drag related …Read More

Party Attitudes towards the EU in the Member States – Parties for Europe, Parties against Europe

Conti, N. (ed.) (2014) “Party Attitudes towards the EU in the Member States – Parties for Europe, Parties against Europe“, Routledge Advances in European Politics, Routledge Publications: United Kingdom.   In a moment where the EU is facing an important number of challenges, there is growing interest in understanding how parties influence the way Europe evolves as a political issue, notably how parties structure domestic competition over European issues and …Read More

How to address inequality

Frankel, J. (2014) “How to address inequality“, VoxEU Organisation, 29 April.   Awareness of inequality is rapidly rising. This column argues that commentators should focus on identifying the policies that are best suited to improving income distributions efficiently, and the politicians that support them. It is not sufficient to sound the alarm about inequality and the political reach of the super-rich. Inequality has received a lot of attention lately, particularly …Read More

How to save bank resolution in the European banking union

Gordon, N. J. & Ringe, G. (2014) “How to save bank resolution in the European banking union“, VoxEU Organisation, 30 April.   The European Parliament recently adopted the Single Resolution Mechanism. Though supposed to be a pillar of the European banking union, it is fraught with difficulties. This column makes a proposal for a new organisational structure that can deal with bank failure more effectively. European banks should be required …Read More

The rise of Euroscepticism across Europe has masked general apathy about the European elections among voters

McDonnell, D. (2014) “The rise of Euroscepticism across Europe has masked general apathy about the European elections among voters“, LSE EUROPP, 29 April.   Marine Le Pen’s Front National and Geert Wilders’ Party for Freedom have announced that they intend to form a ‘Eurosceptic alliance’ in the European Parliament after the 2014 European elections. Duncan McDonnell writes that while the overall picture in the European elections will see Eurosceptic parties …Read More

Europe’s Trapped Politics

Pisani-Ferry, J. (2014) “Europe’s Trapped Politics”, Project Syndicate, 29 April.   PARIS – When the last European Parliament election was held, in 2009, it seemed that Europe’s citizens were all facing the same dangers. Across the continent, governments were busy coping with the consequences of the global crisis that had erupted the year before. Five years later, on the eve of another European Parliament election, the situation could not be …Read More

Benchmarking Working Europe 2014

ETUI (2014) “Benchmarking Working Europe 2014“, European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) Report, 29 April.   The year 2010 saw the launch of the Europe 2020 strategy. The new EU strategy had been devised for the purpose of promoting smart, sustainable and inclusive growth that would help Europe recover from the crisis and re-emerge stronger and more prosperous on the other side. In June of the same year, the European Semester …Read More

The Single Market and Cohesion Policy Dyad: Battered by the Crisis and Globalisation

Jouen, Μ. (2014) “The Single Market and Cohesion Policy Dyad: Battered by the Crisis and Globalisation”, Notre Europe Policy Papers, 28 April.   This Policy Paper by Marjorie Jouen aims at understanding the current relationship between the policy to reduce regional and social disparities and the one aimed at ensuring the opening of European markets. Part 1 recalls the nature of the strong bond between these policies for over twenty …Read More