Bulman, T. and M. Pisu, (2018), “Generating employment, raising incomes and addressing poverty in Greece”, OECD Economics Department Working Papers, No. 1505, OECD Publishing, Paris Employment is pivotal to strengthening Greece’s economic recovery, increasing social welfare and redressing poverty. Jobs are returning, making inroads into high unemployment, but their wages and skill levels are lower than many that were lost during the crisis. Greece’s hiring is benefiting from more flexible arrangements. …Read More
Τα πρωτεία στους έμμεσους φόρους κατέχει η Ελλάδα
Θάνος Τσίρος, (2018), “Τα πρωτεία στους έμμεσους φόρους κατέχει η Ελλάδα”, H Καθημερινή, 22 Οκτωβρίου Η Ελλάδα είναι η χώρα με τη βαρύτερη έμμεση φορολογία στην Ευρωζώνη και θα παραμείνει στην 1η θέση και για το 2019. Τα πρωτεία αποκαλύπτονται από τα προσχέδια προϋπολογισμών που κατέθεσαν οι 19 χώρες-μέλη στην Κομισιόν στο πλαίσιο των διαδικασιών του Ευρωπαϊκού Εξαμήνου. Για το 2018, οι φόροι «στην παραγωγή και στις εισαγωγές» –ένα καλάθι …Read More
Greece Is Trapped
Ferdinando Giugliano, (2018), “Greece Is Trapped”, Bloomberg, 17 October Months after exiting its international rescue program, the country faces renewed trouble in its banking system. There is no easy fix: money is short and investor patience thin. But it looks increasingly like the gradual approach pursued by Athens and the euro zone authorities is running out of steam. Lenders still bear the scars of a decade of economic crisis. Borrowers …Read More
ELSTAT – THE Greek Economy
ELSTAT, (2018), “The Greek Economy”, 12 October The “Greek Economy” publication aims to provide the latest key economic information on Greece in a clear and comprehensive manner. Written in both the Greek and English languages, it is designed for users of statistics who seek updated information on recent economic developments, as well as long-term economic trends. Relevant Posts ELSTAT: The Greek Economy, 13 April 2018
Greece: What to expect after the bail-out
Zsolt Darvas, (2018), “Greece: What to expect after the bail-out”, Bruegel, 9 October After being under the close scrutiny of three financial assistance programmes since May 2010, Greece has finally left the bail-out in August 2018. How different is the post-bail-out era from the preceding eight years? Will Greece be able to stand on its own? And how might the country improve its economic outlook? Relevant Posts Emilios Avgouleas, Barry Eichengreen, …Read More
“Structural Reforms in Greece during the Crisis: 2010-2014. Overview, Evaluation and Policy Proposals”
A new report entitled “Structural Reforms in Greece during the Crisis: 2010-2014. Overview, Evaluation and Policy Proposals”, has been published by the Crisis Observatory. The report is the outcome of the research programme “The Political Economy of Structural Reforms in Greece”, which was assigned to the Crisis Observatory by the Bank of Greece. The report was coordinated and edited by Dimitris Katsikas (Head of the Crisis Observatory). The researchers that …Read More
Financial protection of households against health shocks in Greece during the economic crisis
Chantzaras, A. E., & Yfantopoulos, J. N. (2018). Financial protection of households against health shocks in Greece during the economic crisis. Social Science & Medicine. Background Harsh funding cutbacks along with measures shifting cost to patients have been implemented in the Greek health system in recent years. Our objective was to investigate the evolution of financial protection of Greek households against out-of-pocket payments (OOPP) during the economic crisis. Methods National …Read More
Eurogroup statement on Greece of 22 June 2018
europa.eu/Eurogroup statement on Greece of 22 June 2018 Completion of the fourth and final review and growth strategy The Eurogroup commends the Greek authorities for the completion of all the agreed prior actions of the final review of the ESM programme. We congratulate the Greek authorities and Greek people for the successful conclusion of the ESM programme. The Eurogroup acknowledges the significant efforts made by the Greek citizens over the …Read More
Network service deregulation and manufacturing exports in Greece
Daude, C. and C. de la Maisonneuve (2018), “Network service deregulation and manufacturing exports in Greece”, OECD Economics Department Working Papers, No. 1474 Network sectors (energy, transport and communications) have undergone a process of liberalisation in Greece in more than a decade. This paper analyses the relationship between these reforms and the export performance of manufacturing industries. The analysis is based on firm-level data and performed between 1997 and 2013. An …Read More
OECD – Greece – Economic forecast summary (May 2018)
OECD – Greece – Economic forecast summary (May 2018) GDP growth is projected to rise to 2.3% in 2019. Exports will be the main driver of growth, benefitting from rising external demand and improved competitiveness. Investment and private consumption will recover as confidence rebuilds, following improved fiscal crediblity. Continuing high excess capacity will limit price and wage pressures. In 2018, the budget surplus will out-perform the medium-term target, through restrained …Read More