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The Real Raw Material of Wealth

Hausmann, R. (2014) “The Real Raw Material of Wealth“, Project Syndicate, 26 July.   Poor countries export raw materials such as cocoa, iron ore, and raw diamonds. Rich countries export – often to those same poor countries – more complex products such as chocolate, cars, and jewels. If poor countries want to get rich, they should stop exporting their resources in raw form and concentrate on adding value to them. …Read More

What Does the 1930s’ Experience Tell Us about the Future of the Eurozone?

Crafts, N. (2014) “What Does the 1930s’ Experience Tell Us about the Future of the Eurozone?“. JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies, 52: 713–727, Ιούλιος.   If the eurozone follows the precedent of the 1930s, it will not survive. The attractions of escaping from the gold standard then were massive and they point to a strategy of devalue and default for today’s crisis countries. A fully federal Europe with a banking …Read More

Progress Towards External Adjustment in the Euro Area Periphery and the Baltics

Shik Kang, J. & Shambaugh C., J. (2014) “Progress Towards External Adjustment in the Euro Area Periphery and the Baltics“, Working Paper No.14/131, International Monetary Fund, 22 July.   The euro area periphery countries and the Baltic countries, which had large current account deficits in the run-up to the crisis, needed adjustment of relative prices to achieve both internal and external balances. Thus far, tangible progress has been made through …Read More

Lithuania changes the ECB’s voting system – membership threshold triggers change in the ECB’s Governing Council’s voting system

Merler, S. (2014) “Lithuania changes the ECB’s voting system – membership threshold triggers change in the ECB’s Governing Council’s voting system, which starts rotating“, Bruegel Institute, 25 July.   Lithuania will become the 19th member of the Euro area on the 1st of January, following Wednesday’s Council endorsement. The most important part of the story – however – is not that someone is still brave enough to join the Euro …Read More

The EU and an independent Scotland

CER (2014) “The EU and an independent Scotland“, Centre for European Reform Blog, 23 July.   Scots living in Scotland vote on September 18th on whether to end their 300-year union with England. If they win, the nationalists aim for actual independence, and full EU membership, in March 2016. Opinion polls currently show a lead for the pro-Union side, but 15 or 20 per cent remain undecided. The debate is …Read More

Europe Must Escape A Savings Trap, Not A Liquidity Trap

Terzi, A. (2014) “Europe Must Escape A Savings Trap, Not A Liquidity Trap“, Social Europe Journal, 23 July.   The anti-austerity vote in the European elections reflected two different kinds of discontent. One is a feeling of frustration, which is invigorating nationalism: the vote for “less Europe.” The other is a lack of confidence in current EU policies: the vote for “another Europe.” In both cases, voters  revealed that they …Read More

Juncker’s new start for Europe – a brief summary of past Bruegel research as it relates to Juncker’s new agenda for the European Commission

Dale, E. & Porcaro, G. (2014) “Juncker’s new start for Europe – a brief summary of past Bruegel research as it relates to Juncker’s new agenda for the European Commission“, Bruegel Institute, 23 July.   Last week, President Elect Jean-Claude Juncker published his agenda for Europe. To inform the policy debate, we would like to highlight and summarize some of the key research Bruegel scholars have done over the last …Read More

The Gallic Heart of Europe

Solana, J. (2014) “The Gallic Heart of Europe“, Project Syndicate, 22 July.   Europe needs a France that is proud, prosperous, and able to overcome its gloomy suspicions. We need the great country that was and will be – the France that inspired the entire world with its revolution, culture, and values. Alain Peyrefitte, the scholar, politician, and confidant of Charles de Gaulle, said that “without Europe, France will be …Read More

Europe’s Options

Boskin J. Μ. (2014) “Europe’s Options“, Project Syndicate, 22 July.   Many Europeans have come to believe that they have weathered the economic and financial storm. In the last two years, deficits and debt have stabilized. Yields on the sovereign debt of the eurozone periphery’s weak economies have fallen sharply. Portugal and Ireland have exited their bailout programs. Talk of Greece leaving the euro has subsided. CommentsView/Create comment on this …Read More

Europe’s Stalemate

Tamborini, R. & Farina, F. (2014) “Europe’s Stalemate“, Economonitor, 17 Ιουλίου.   The causes of the present crisis of the European Union trace back to the past phases of the integration process.  In the 1980s, the series of agreements and common policies of “mutual advantage” among the EU members came to an end. Most economies of scale had been exploited by the EU countries, as an effect of the access …Read More