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Between Apathy and Anger: Challenges to the Union from the 2014 Elections to the European Parliament

Piedrafita, S. & Lauenroth, A. (2014) “Between Apathy and Anger: Challenges to the Union from the 2014 Elections to the European Parliament“, Politics and Institutions, EPIN Papers, 20 May.   This EPIN study brings together contributions from a ​broad selection of member states ​and ​provid​es ​insightful analysis ​into the 2014 elections to the European Parliament on the ground. The report reveals the different factors that impede the development of genuine …Read More

Twelve Ways to Fix the Youth Unemployment Crisis

Jacobs, E. (2014) “Twelve Ways to Fix the Youth Unemployment Crisis“, Governance Studies at Brookings, May.   INTRODUCTION Young Americans are enduring staggeringly high rates of joblessness. The official unemployment rate for 16 to 24 year olds is 14.5 percent, and has been in the double-digits for seven straight years. Over three million young people are unemployed, and many more have dropped out of the labor market entirely. While the …Read More

The European Parliament is a failed experiment in pan-European democracy – national parliaments are the key to solving the democratic deficit

Booth, S. (2014) “The European Parliament is a failed experiment in pan-European democracy – national parliaments are the key to solving the democratic deficit“, LSE EUROPP, 21 May.   Strengthening the European Parliament has often been viewed as the best method of addressing the EU’s alleged ‘democratic deficit’. Stephen Booth writes that while this perspective has led to the Parliament’s powers being increased successively over recent decades, the effect of …Read More

Why The Recovery Needs Wage Growth

Ozlem Onaran, Ο. & Stockhammer, Ε. (2014) “Why The Recovery Needs Wage Growth“, Social Europe Journal, 21 May.   Five years after the beginning of the recession real wages in Britain are still well below their pre-crisis level. As of March 2014 real weekly earnings (deflated by the RPI) are at the level of November 2000; that is a staggering 12% below their peak in February 2008. Is that a …Read More

Resolution threats and bank discipline

Ignatowski, M. & Korte, J. (2014) “Resolution threats and bank discipline“, VoxEU Organisation, 20 May.   Can a tightening in the bank resolution regime introduce more prudent bank behaviour? This column reviews some arguments for why this could be the case. It presents evidence linking changes in bank resolution regimes with bank behaviour. Tightening of US bank resolution significantly decreased the overall risk-taking of the most affected banks. This effect, …Read More

Europeanisation in Times of Crisis

Saurugger, S. (2014) “Europeanisation in Times of Crisis“, Political Studies Review, 12: 181–192.   The aim of this article is to analyse the strengths and weaknesses of Europeanisation studies when used to study periods of crisis. The conceptual consensus surrounding the definition of ‘Europeanisation’, understood as the impact of European integration at the domestic level (the so-called ‘top-down approach’), is put under pressure in a crisis situation, where the salience of …Read More

Sources and legitimacy of financial liberalization

Burgoon, Β., Demetriades, P. & Underhill, G. R.D. (2012) “Sources and legitimacy of financial liberalization“, European Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 28, Issue 2, June 2012, pp. 147-161.   This article seeks to clarify how we understand domestic and international sources of globalization and specifically how we explain financial liberalization across countries. The article also develops our understanding of the underlying legitimacy of financial liberalization. We debate e.g. Abiad and …Read More

How should the ECB enact Quantitative Easing? A proposal

Varoufakis, Y. (2014) “How should the ECB enact Quantitative Easing? A proposal“, Thoughts for the post-2008 World Blog, 19 May.   The ECB has no alternative to enacting some form of Quantitative Easing (QE) in order to prevent deflationary expectations from setting in fully. Core inflation has already reached a level that, even according to Mr Draghi’s own pronouncements on 24th April, should have already triggered off QE. However, the ECB’s governing …Read More

Democracy causes economic development?

Acemoglu, D., Naidu, S., Robinson, A. J. & Restrepo, P. (2014) “Democracy causes economic development?“, VoxEU Organisation, 19 May.   Many analysts view democracy as a neutral or negative factor for growth. This column discusses new evidence showing that democracy has a robust and sizable pro-growth effect. The central estimates suggest that a country that switches from non-democracy to democracy achieves about 20% higher GDP per capita over the subsequent …Read More

How unequal is the European Parliament’s representation?

Véron, N. (2014) “How unequal is the European Parliament’s representation?“, Bruegel Think Tank, 16 May.   The European Parliament election of May 22-25, 2014 has several unprecedented features. It is the first election under the Lisbon Treaty. As a consequence, and for the first time, the main pan-European parties – including the center-right European Peoples’ Party (EPP) and the center-left Socialists and Democrats (S&D) – are fielding lead candidates for …Read More