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Will voters turnout in the 2014 European parliamentary elections?

McDougall, O. & Mody, A. (2014) “Will voters turnout in the 2014 European parliamentary elections?”, Bruegel Think Tank, 16 May.   The extent of voter turnout in the 2014 European Parliamentary (EP) election is widely viewed as a critical test for European democracy. Turnout in the EP elections has steadily declined over three decades from 62 percent in the first election in 1979 to 43 percent in the 2009 election. …Read More

ECB: An appropriate monetary policy

Levy, M. (2014) “ECB: An appropriate monetary policy“, VoxEU Organisation, 16 May.   As banks repay their loans from the Long-Term Refinancing Operation, the ECB’s balance sheet is shrinking. This column argues that, given the slow recovery and sustained low inflation, the ECB should replace its bank lending programme with quantitative easing. Buying short-term government debt would be consistent with the ECB’s inflation target, would keep the ECB’s monetary policy …Read More

The Reconstruction of European Politics

James, H. (2014) “The Reconstruction of European Politics“, Project Syndicate, 15 May.   PRINCETON – Many Europeans tremble at the likely outcome of the upcoming European Parliament election: a strong showing for anti-European protest parties, which will almost certainly try to present themselves as the real winners. But hand-wringing will not resolve the European Union’s political crisis. And the crisis runs deep. Nowadays, anti-EU parties – Marine Le Pen’s National …Read More

The Trouble with Europe

Buruma, I. (2014) “The Trouble with Europe“, Project Syndicate, 15 May.   NEW YORK – According to the latest opinion polls, the big winners in the European Parliament election later this month will be right-wing populist parties that share a common loathing of the European Union, most notably the National Front in France, the Freedom Party in the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom’s Independence Party. Though the Euroskeptic right may …Read More

Supporting Access to Finance by SMEs: Mapping the initiatives in five EU countries

Infelise, F. (2014) “Supporting Access to Finance by SMEs: Mapping the initiatives in five EU countries“, Financial Markets, ECMI Research Reports, CEPS, 23 April.   This paper maps the initiatives to support access to finance for small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that were available at national level in 2012 in the five biggest European economies (Germany, France, the UK, Italy and Spain). This mapping distinguishes initiatives promoted and financed primarily …Read More

The ‘Personalisation’ of the European Elections: A half-hearted attempt to increase turnout and democratic legitimacy?

Piedrafita, S. & Renman, V. (2014) “The ‘Personalisation’ of the European Elections: A half-hearted attempt to increase turnout and democratic legitimacy?“, Politics and Institutions, EPIN Papers, Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS), 11 April.   On May 22nd to the 25th, elections to the European Parliament are taking place throughout the European Union. Following a recent EP initiative, most of the European political parties have selected top candidates for the position …Read More

Ever closer or ever wider? Public attitudes towards further enlargement and integration in the European Union

Hobolt, S. B. (2014) “Ever closer or ever wider? Public attitudes towards further enlargement and integration in the European Union“, Routledge Publications, Journal of European Public Policy, Vol. 21, No. 5, pp. 664-680, 28 April.   Proponents of the European project often portray further enlargement of the European Union as a complement to the process of building an ever closer union. The eurozone crisis, however, has highlighted the risks associated …Read More

Europe’s Crisis Treadmill

Eichengreen, B. (2014) “Europe’s Crisis Treadmill“, Project Syndicate, 12 May.   BERKELEY – This month marks the fourth anniversary of the May 2010 financial rescue of Greece. Previously, the idea that a eurozone member would seek emergency assistance from the International Monetary Fund, along with the European Commission and the European Central Bank, was unthinkable. The rescue thus marked Europe’s descent into full-blown crisis. Four years later, European officials are …Read More

Social Europe – In Europe Or In The Member States?

Kowalsky, W. (2014) “Social Europe – In Europe Or In The Member States?”, Social Europe Journal, 12 May.   A solution to save Social Europe by going back to the Member States is the key message of a recent contribution by Paul de Beer. Reading the “Roadmap to a Social Europe”, which shows a maze on its cover, he gets the impression that not so much is clear in the …Read More

Welfare regime, welfare pillar and southern Europe

Minas, C., Jacobson, D., Antoniou, E. & McMullan, C. (2014) “Welfare regime, welfare pillar and southern Europe“, Journal of European Social Policy, Vol. 24, No. 2, May, pp. 135-149.   This paper uses a variety of methods of statistical cluster analysis to examine how EU countries (other than the new East European members) are grouped. Using the four dimensions, family, market vs state, religion and clientelism, the results of the …Read More