Veugelers, R. (ed.), (2013), Manufacturing Europe’s Future, Brussels: Bruegel. ‘Industrial policy is back!’ This is the message given in the European Commission’s October 2012 communication on industrial policy (COM(2012) 582 final), which seeks to reverse the declining role of the manufacturing industry, and increase its share of European Union GDP from about 16 percent currently to above 20 percent. Historical evidence suggests that the goal is unlikely to be achieved. …Read More
Forward Guidance: Perspectives from Central Bankers, Scholars and Market Participants
Den Haan, W. ed., (2013), Forward Guidance: Perspectives from Central Bankers, Scholars and Market Participants – A eBook, London: Centre for Economic Policy Research. Forward guidance is the provision of information by central banks about the future conduct of monetary policy and in particular about the central bank’s policy interest rate. Forward guidance is aimed at influencing the public’s expectations. This goal is not new. It has long been …Read More
The Single Currency and European Citizenship: Unveiling the Other Side of The Coin
Moro, G. ed., (2013), The Single Currency and European Citizenship: Unveiling the Other Side of The Coin, London: Bloomsbury Academic. Established in 2002, the Euro is now the currency of 17 countries used by over 335 million people daily. Although the single currency is much discussed in terms of macroeconomics and global finances, policymakers rarely address its impact on European citizenship in social, cultural, political, and everyday life economics terms. …Read More
The Sovereign Debt Crisis: Placing a curb on growth
Brender, A., Pisani, F. and Gagna, E., (2013), The Sovereign Debt Crisis: Placing a curb on growth, Brussells: Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS). This book provides an update to the major 2012 study by the same authors on the dual role of the public sector as the provider of the ultimate riskless asset and, at the same time, the source of a potential major systemic risk. In this second …Read More
Progressive Politics After the Crash: Governing from the Left
Cramme, O., Diamond, P. and McTernan, M. eds., (2013), Progressive Politics After the Crash: Governing from the Left, London: I.B. Tauris & Co Ltd. Those who hoped the collapse of financial markets would usher in the end of neoliberalism and rehabilitate support for traditional social democratic policies programmes have been disappointed. It is not only the irrationality of markets which is the focus of public discontent, but the inefficiency of …Read More
Austerity: European democracies against the wall
Lorenzo Bini Smaghi, (2013), Austerity: European democracies against the wall, CEPS. The crisis in the eurozone has had a dramatic impact on the economic and social fabric of European countries. However important it may be, the economic dimension is only the symptom of a broader problem. The crisis is primarily political in nature. Lorenzo Bini Smaghi argues in this book that the crisis reflects the inability of western democracies to …Read More
Resolving the European Debt Crisis
Cline, William, Wolf, Guntram (eds),(2012), Resolving the European Debt Crisis, Special Report 21, Peterson Institute for International Economics and Bruegel. What began as a relatively localized crisis in Greece in early 2010 soon escalated to envelop Ireland and Portugal. By the second half of 2011, the contagion had spread to the far larger economies of Italy and Spain. In mid-September the Peterson Institute and Bruegel hosted a conference designed to …Read More
Delphic Oracle on Europe
Tsoukalis, Loukas, Emmanouilidis, Janis, (ed) (2011), Delphic Oracle on Europe, London, Oxford University Press. The Delphic Oracle on Europe brings together leading thinkers and policy-makers from different academic disciplines and policy-oriented backgrounds from all over Europe. The chapters reflect on ways forward for the European Union in a time of global crisis and profound change. Contributors debate the institutional and political consequences of the Lisbon Treaty, the reform of economic …Read More