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EU Foreign Direct Investment flows

Eurostat, (2017), “EU Foreign Direct Investment flows”, 18 July According to preliminary results, Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) from the European Union (EU) to the rest of the world amounted to €186 billion in 2016, a sharp drop (-68%) compared with the €585 bn recorded in 2015. In the opposite direction, investment from the rest of the world into the EU stood at €280 bn, down by 41% compared with 2015 …Read More

Europe’s Junk-Bond Boom Triggers Alarm as Safety Nets Weakened

Linsel, Katie, (2017), “Europe’s Junk-Bond Boom Triggers Alarm as Safety Nets Weakened”, Bloomberg Markets, 17 July Europe’s booming junk bond market is provoking alarm among analysts who say investors are letting down their guard and risking future losses. Dutch department store operator Hema BV, home improvement retailer Maxeda DIY Holding BV and supercar maker McLaren Group are the latest in a string of companies that have sold bonds with weaker investor protections, known …Read More

Annual inflation down to 1.3% in the euro area

Eurostat/Annual inflation down to 1.3% in the euro area/17 July 2017 Euro area annual inflation was 1.3% in June 2017, down from 1.4% in May. In June 2016 the rate was 0.1%. European Union annual inflation was 1.4% in June 2017, down from 1.6% in May. A year earlier the rate was 0.1%. These figures come from Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union. The lowest annual rates were …Read More

Cash Is Dead, Long Live Cash

Wheatley, Alan, (2017), “Cash Is Dead, Long Live Cash”, Finance & Development, 54(2), June Fewer Nordic banks are using cash in their branches. India recently scrapped 86 percent of its banknotes. Korea plans to stop minting coins by 2020. Online payments are booming. The march toward a cashless society, it seems, is unstoppable. Young people especially, as well as the better off and better educated, are increasingly at ease paying …Read More

Laid Low: Inside the Crisis That Overwhelmed Europe and the IMF

Blustein, Paul, (2016), “Laid Low: Inside the Crisis That Overwhelmed Europe and the IMF”, Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI), October The latest book by journalist Paul Blustein to go behind the scenes at the highest levels of global economic policy making, Laid Low chronicles the International Monetary Fund’s role in the euro-zone crisis. Opening with the sensational arrest of IMF Managing Director Dominique Strauss-Kahn during a pivotal point in the crisis, the book …Read More

Is the Shine Off Macron?

Wyplosz, Charles, (2017), “Is the Shine Off Macron?”, Project Syndicate, 13 July Emmanuel Macron is on a winning streak. Within a year, he has gone from inexperienced political underdog, with no establishment backing, to President of the French Republic and leader of a newly created political party with an impressive parliamentary majority. Can he keep it up? Relevant Posts James, Harold, (2017), «The Renewal of Europe’s Center?», Project Syndicate, 5 June …Read More

Completing EMU

Buti, Marco, Deroose, Servaas, Leandro, José, Giudice, Gabriele, (2017),  “Completing EMU”, VoxEU, 13 July Despite much being done to strengthen the Economic and Monetary Union, it remains incomplete and this is one of the main reasons for the Eurozone’s lacklustre economic performance in the recent years. While there are still diverging views on how to “cross the river”, there is also a political and economic window of opportunity to complete the …Read More

A macro approach to international bank resolution

Schoenmaker, Dirk, (2017), “A macro approach to international bank resolution”, Bruegel, 10 July As regulators rush to strengthen banking supervision and implement bank resolution regimes, a macro approach to resolution is needed that considers both the contagion effects of bail-in and the continuing need for a fiscal backstop to the financial system. This can be facilitated through the completion of a banking union in which the European Stability Mechanism (ESM) …Read More

The New Abnormal in Monetary Policy

Roubini, Nouriel, (2017), “The New Abnormal in Monetary Policy”, Project Syndicate, 10 July Financial markets are starting to get rattled by the winding down of unconventional monetary policies in many advanced economies. Soon enough, the Bank of Japan (BOJ) and the Swiss National Bank (SNB) will be the only central banks still maintaining unconventional monetary policies for the long term. The US Federal Reserve started phasing out its asset-purchase program (quantitative easing, …Read More

The state of trade unions, employer organisations, and collective bargaining in OECD countries

Cazes, Sandrine, Garnero, Andrea, Martin,  Sébastien, (2017), “The state of trade unions, employer organisations, and collective bargaining in OECD countries”, VoxEU, 9 July Trade union membership has been declining since the 1980s. Recently, however, there has been renewed interest in the potential of collective bargaining to address rising wealth inequality and poor wage growth. This column presents an OECD report on collective bargaining institutions and practices across member countries and selected …Read More