Kay, John, (2015), “Liquidity Helps Financial Market Participants, Not Businesses And Households”, Social Europe, 1 December. Nothing illustrates more starkly the difference between the preoccupations of financial market participants and the needs of businesses and households than the subject of liquidity.Last week the Bank of England held an open forum to discuss what the financial sector contributes to the real economy, and I took part in a discussion on the role …Read More
Counting on the EU – public opinion on welfare state reforms
Hüttl, Pia, (2015), “Counting on the EU – public opinion on welfare state reforms”, Bruegel Blog, 19 November. As part of the Vision Europe Summit, a survey was held from July-August 2015, to investigate public opinion on the welfare state after the crisis. This blog post is a follow up to an earlier blog, focusing this time on the role of the EU and the welfare state. Relevant Posts Hüttl, Pia,Wolff, Guntram, (2015), …Read More
Youth Unemployment and Active Labor Market Policies in Europe
Caliendo, Marco, Schmidl, Ricarda, (2015), “Youth Unemployment and Active Labor Market Policies in Europe”, IZA, November. Since the economic crisis in 2008, European youth unemployment rates have been persistently high at around 20% on average. The majority of European countries spends significant resources each year on active labor market programs (ALMP) with the aim of improving the integration prospects of struggling youths. Among the most common programs used are training courses, job search …Read More
Is globalisation reducing the ability of central banks to control inflation?
Claeys, Grégory, Wolff, Guntram B., (2015), “Is globalisation reducing the ability of central banks to control inflation?”, Bruegel Publlications, Issue 18, 12 November. After soaring in the 1970s and early 1980s, inflation has declined significantly in all advanced countries and is now at very low levels.This movement coincided with the acceleration of globalisation, triggering a recent debate on whether globalisation could be one of the main drivers of the disinflation process, and …Read More
Charting public opinion on the future of the welfare state
Hüttl, Pia,Wolff, Guntram, (2015), “Charting public opinion on the future of the welfare state”, Bruegel Publications, 10 November. As part of the of the Vision Europe Summit, a survey was held between July and August 2015 to gauge public opinion on the welfare state after the crisis. The survey revealed citizens’ general confidence in the welfare state, as well as preferences regarding the welfare state’s future goals and financing. We discuss the …Read More
The Growing Intergenerational Divide in Europe
Hüttl, Pia, Wilson, Karen, Wolff, Guntram, (2015), “The Growing Intergenerational Divide in Europe”, Bruegel Publications, Issue 17, November. During seven years of economic crisis, the intergenerational income and wealth divide has increased in many European Union countries. In the bloc as a whole, young people on average have become significantly poorer, while poverty among pensioners has been reduced (Figure 1). Unemployment among the under-25s has risen notably while older workers (aged 5-64) have been less …Read More
The Eurozone: Deflationary Boom Or Deflationary Bust?
Weeks, John, (2015), “The Eurozone: Deflationary Boom Or Deflationary Bust?”, Social Europe Journal, 6 November. Several years ago the idea that fiscal austerity could induce growth, “expansionary austerity”, had a brief flowering before withering under the heat of ridicule. Recently it resurfaced under a different name, “deflationary boom”. If expansionary austerity was oxymoronic, deflationary boom is simply moronic. Relevant Posts Weeks, John, (2015), “Euro Deflation And How To Interpret It”, Social Europe …Read More
Forecasting Unemployment across Countries: the Ins and Outs
Barnichon, Régis, Garda, Paula, (2015), “Forecasting Unemployment across Countries: the Ins and Outs”, Centre for Economic Policy Research, November. This paper evaluates the flow approach to unemployment forecasting proposed by Barnichon and Nekarda (2012) for a set of OECD countries characterized by very different labor markets. We find that the flow approach yields substantial improvements in forecast accuracy over professional forecasts for all countries, with especially large improvements at longer horizons (one-year ahead …Read More
Income inequality in pre-industrial Europe
Alfani, Guido, Ryckbosch, Wouter, (2015), “Income inequality in pre-industrial Europe”, Voxeu, 6 November. Thomas Piketty and others have prompted renewed interest in understanding long-term patterns of inequality. This column presents evidence from pre-industrial Europe. Inequality rose even during the success stories of early modern Europe, but it can hardly have been the sole requisite for growth. In both economic history and today’s economic theory, the idea of a universal trade-off between growth and …Read More
Interlinkages between Household and Corporate Debt in Advanced Economies
Bricongne, Jean-Charles, Maria Mordonu, Aurora, (2015), “Interlinkages between Household and Corporate Debt in Advanced Economies”, Discussion Paper 017, European Commission publications, October This article contributes to the debate on deleveraging in the non-financial private sector. It proposes a framework to assess the interconnectedness of deleveraging in the household sector and in the nonfinancial corporations sector. In doing so, several factors are controlled for: inflation, interest rates, labour intensity and also the influence of the general government …Read More