Garriga, Carlos, Kydland, Finn, Šustek, Roman, (2016), “Keeping policy rates persistently low: Implications for the monetary transmission mechanism”, VoxEu, 16 October Central banks responded to the financial crisis by cutting policy rates to prevent deflation and curb the decline in economic activity, but these responses have been anything but temporary. This column explores whether the sticky price channel is still relevant in an environment of persistently low rates. Although the …Read More
ECB bank supervision cannot tackle debt restructuring single-handedly
Lehmann, Alexander, (2016), “ECB bank supervision cannot tackle debt restructuring single-handedly”, Bruegel, 13 October The European Central Bank has begun to tackle a key symptom of banking sector fragility with its proposed guidelines on banks’ management of non-performing loans (NPLs). But detailed targets for the reduction of NPLs and prescriptions for the internal governance and management of distressed assets also represent a new style of more intrusive supervision. For the …Read More
Economic consequences of the 1953 London Debt Agreement
Galofré-Vilà, Gregori, McKee, Martin, Meissner, Christopher, David, David, (2016), “Economic consequences of the 1953 London Debt Agreement”, VoxEu, 9 October In 1953, the Western Allied powers approved the London Debt Agreement, a radical plan to eliminate half of Germany’s external debt and create generous repayment conditions for the remainder. Using new data from the historical monthly reports of the Deutsche Bundesbank, this column argues that the agreement spurred economic growth by …Read More
The Great Stagnation
Labouré, Marion, Braunstein, Juergen, (2016), “The Great Stagnation”, LSE Euro Crisis in the Press, 4 October The recent Brexit vote, as well as high uncertainty around a number of upcoming elections (e.g., the 2016 US and 2017 French presidential elections), are only symptoms of a larger underlying problem. Voting for populist and extremist campaigns is a mean of expressing discontent with the status quo, but with far reaching implications. We believe there …Read More
Fiscal capacity to support large banks
Hüttl, Pia, Schoenmaker, Dirk, (2016), “Fiscal capacity to support large banks”, Bruegel, 3 Οctober During the global financial crisis and subsequent euro-debt crisis, the fiscal resources of some countries appeared to be insufficient to support their banking systems. These countries needed outside support to stabilise their banking systems and thereby their wider economies. This Policy Contribution assesses the potential fiscal costs of recapitalising large banks. Based on past financial crises, we estimate that the …Read More
Macroeconomic Management When Policy Space Is Constrained: A Comprehensive, Consistent, and Coordinated Approach to Economic Policy
Gaspar, Vitor, Obstfeld, Maurice, Sahay, Ratna, (2016), “Macroeconomic Management When Policy Space Is Constrained: A Comprehensive, Consistent, and Coordinated Approach to Economic Policy”, IMF Staff Discussion Note, 28 September Concern is widespread that countercyclical policies have run out of space or lack the power to raise growth or deal with the next negative shock. The common perceptions are that the effective lower bound on policy interest rates limits the room to loosen monetary …Read More
The State of Advanced Economies and Related Policy Debates: A Fall 2016 Assessment
Blanchard, Olivier, (2016), “The State of Advanced Economies and Related Policy Debates: A Fall 2016 Assessment”, Peterson Institute for International Economics, September This Policy Brief reassesses macroeconomic policies in the current environment of low growth and low interest rates in major advanced economies. Despite low rates, demand remains anemic. The scope for monetary policy, which has carried much of the burden to stimulate demand, is increasingly limited. But there is plenty …Read More
Ultra-low or Negative Yields on Euro-Area Long-term Bonds: Causes and Implications for Monetary Policy
Gros, Daniel, (2016), “Ultra-low or Negative Yields on Euro-Area Long-term Bonds: Causes and Implications for Monetary Policy”, CEPS Working Document No. 426, September The importance of monetary policy for the current ultra-low interest rates is often over-estimated. As emphasised by ECB President Draghi himself, monetary policy cannot determine long-term rates directly, and its influence on long-term real rates is even more limited and indirect. Moreover, long-term bond yields have fallen to unprecedented …Read More
Low long-term rates: bond bubble or symptom of secular stagnation?
Claeys, Grégory, (2016), “Low long-term rates: bond bubble or symptom of secular stagnation?”, Bruegel, 26 September Yields on European sovereign bonds have reached historically low levels in 2016. This secular decline in long-term sovereign yields is not limited to the euro area. Why are interest rates currently so low? Are low long-term trates justified by fundamental factors or is it an artificial phenomenon? Relevant Posts Kozlowski, Julian, Veldkamp, Laura, Venkateswaran, Venky, (2016), “The …Read More
Negative interest rate policies: Channels and consequences
Arteta, Carlos, Kose, M Ayhan, Stocker, Marc, Taskin, Temel, (2016), “Negative interest rate policies: Channels and consequences”, VoxEu, 26 September Against a background of persistently weak growth and low inflation expectations, a number of central banks have implemented negative interest rate policies over the past few years. This column argues that such policies could help provide additional monetary policy stimulus, as long as policy interest rates are only modestly negative …Read More