Schellinger, Alexander, (2015), “Reviving The EU Social Dimension: A Political Choice”, Social Europe Journal , 15 Οκτωβρίου The social dimension of the EU is on the verge of becoming insignificant. At practically all levels there has been a systematic weakening of Social Europe: aims, programmes and instruments have been reduced in the areas of employment policy, labour law and labour relations. The Community is rolling back previous achievements. Workers and trade unions …Read More
The Crisis Europe Needs
Eichengreen, Barry, (2015), “The Crisis Europe Needs”, Social Europe Journal, 15 Οκτωβρίου It’s hard to be optimistic about Europe. Last summer, a political cage match between Germany and Greece threatened to tear the European Union apart. In country after country, extremist political parties are gaining ground. And Russian President Vladimir Putin’s incursion into Ukraine, in the EU’s backyard, has turned the common European foreign and security policy into a punch …Read More
The BRICS Fallacy
Palacio, Ana, (2015), “The BRICS Fallacy”, Project Syndicate, 29 Σεπτεμβρίου The recent downgrade of Brazil’s credit rating to junk status was followed by a raft of articles heralding the crumbling of the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa). How predictable: schadenfreude almost always follows bad news about the BRICS, whose members were once hailed as the world’s up-and-coming economic powerhouses and next major political force. Σχετικές Αναρτήσεις Παπανικολάου, …Read More
How Germany Gains From The Euro While Others Pay
Janssen, Ronald, (2015), “How Germany Gains From The Euro While Others Pay”, Social Europe Journal, 27 Σεπτεμβρίου One of its main ideas is that the euro area lacks a procedure that could declare member states bankrupt when having lost access to financial markets. This makes the restructuring of unsustainably high debt burdens even more complicated than it is. Schäuble’s non-paper even uses the Greek crisis to argue that this situation …Read More
Can We Stop The Fragmentation Of Europe?
Dervis, Kemal, (2015), “Can We Stop The Fragmentation Of Europe?”, Social Europe Journal, 22 Σεπτεμβρίου The European Union’s economic crises of the last half-decade have fueled the emergence of a deep divide between the northern creditor countries and the southern debtors. Now Europe’s migrant crisis is creating an east-west divide between the countries that are welcoming toward the ongoing influx of refugees, and those who want to do little, or …Read More
Should Germany Leave the Euro?
Heise, Michael, (2015), “Should Germany Leave the Euro?”, Project Syndicate, 9 Σεπτεμβρίου The debate about whether Greece should leave the eurozone has revived the idea that Germany, and other similarly strong economies, would best serve the rest of the continent if they were the ones to exit the monetary union. But, though that notion may win some applause, implementing it would be shortsighted, impractical, and economically dubious. Σχετικές Αναρτήσεις Sachs, …Read More
Cereals, appropriability, and hierarchy
Mayshar, Joram, Moav, Omer, Neeman, Zvika, Pascali, Luigi, (2015), “Cereals, appropriability, and hierarchy”, Voxeu, 11 Σεπτεμβρίου Conventional theory suggests that hierarchy and state institutions emerged due to increased productivity following the Neolithic transition to farming. This column argues that these social developments were a result of an increase in the ability of both robbers and the emergent elite to appropriate crops. Hierarchy and state institutions developed, therefore, only in regions where appropriable cereal crops had sufficient productivity …Read More
The Dialectics Of European Integration – A New Push For A Federal EMU?
Watt, Andrew, (2015), “The Dialectics Of European Integration – A New Push For A Federal EMU?”, Social Europe Journal, 2 Σεπτεμβρίου Whatever else they might disagree about, just about everybody commenting on Europe agree about this: the succession of crises – financial, economic, fiscal, and now refugees – have set Europe’s peoples against one another. Nationalist and racist parties are gaining strength on the Right – with a real risk …Read More
Democratizing the Eurozone
Varoufakis, Yanis, (2015), “Democratizing the Eurozone”, Project Syndicate, 1 Σεπτεμβρίου. Like Macbeth, policymakers tend to commit new sins to cover up their old misdemeanors. And political systems prove their worth by how quickly they put an end to their officials’ serial, mutually reinforcing, policy mistakes. Judged by this standard, the eurozone, comprising 19 established democracies, lags behind the largest non-democratic economy in the world. Σχετικές αναρτήσεις Βulmer, S., (2014), “Germany and …Read More
Dutch drama over Greek crisis
Pardijs, Dina, (2015), “Dutch drama over Greek crisis”, European Council on Foreign Relations, 24 Αυγούστου The Greek crisis may have claimed an unexpected new victim: Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte. In a five hour debate last week on the Dutch support for the latest bailout for Greece, the leader of the largest government party VVD was attacked by members of parties from across the political spectrum.The man who is often …Read More